Chapter 2

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The 2nd day of school goes by fast then 8th period comes around. I get in class late like always and sit next to Kristin.

"What's up Chris." I say. She doesn't listen and just turns away. We have to do a stupid game in class to learn stuff about everyone. I have 13 years of my life with these people I know who the fuck they are. We have to write 2 things about ourselves on a sticky note then put it on the board for us to guess who it is.

I play football and basketball.

"I don't know what to put for the 2nd one." I whisper.

"How about "#imanasshole"." Kirstin says and smirks.

"Shut up." I snap.

I put

I'm 6"4

I put in on the board then go back to my seat. once everyone is done we have to guess.

"Who wants to go first?" Mrs Lynn asks. no one says anything. she takes one of the board and reads it. finally I'm picked and I go to the front. I take one off and read it.

"Number 1, I love to dance number two, I have 5 brothers." I say and lean on the board. no one guesses right.

"Who was it?" Mrs. Lynn says. Kristin stands up. I smirk. finally after about 5 minutes we have the rest of the period I talk and play on our phones. Kristin moves to her friends and I listen to music. Welcome to the black parade plays and I can't help but smile. My earbud falls out. I look over and Kristin is putting it in her ear.

"At lest there's one good thing about you." she says sitting down. We talk for the rest of class about ourselves. I catch myself looking at her lips a few times. The bell rings but this time, I wish It didn't.

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