The New Kid

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I then turned to face the teacher and waited for the lunch bell to ring, but every once in a while I would glance at the red rose on my desk....
Once the school lunch bell rang. I quickly grabbed my lunch, the red rose and headed out the door towards the rooftop. I walked lazily up the staircase before opening the huge door that lead to outside. Once I opened the door I was greeted by a gentle breeze that made me feel great! I slowly made my way to the lovely garden that the gardening club had placed on the roof to receive a fair amount of sunlight. I sat under the little shade that a small plant provided, I gentle pulled out a my onigiri and slowly bit into it. I admired as the pretty blue sky was not alone, it was filled with beautiful white fluffy clouds along with the warm rays of the sun that reflected onto the lovely red rose. I ate my lunch quietly and admired every little thing until I heard the door open up, I jumped from my spot and hid behind an electricity generator. From behind the generator I saw Meiko flirting with a boy I have never seen before, he had silky black hair and lovely purple eyes, as Meiko spoke he would just roll his eyes. I guess I was spotted because the boy looked at me and smiled. The boy brushed past leaving Meiko speechless and made his way over to me with a gentle smile "Hello, my name's...ugh...Kirigia! Can you please tell me where class A-1 is?" I felt like I've seen him before, he was tall and well built. He had a gentle smile that made me feel relieved and I felt comfortable around him. I gave him a small smile before nodding my head "Oh, of course! Your in my class, my name's Miku. Please follow me, and nice to meet you." He nodded as he walked behind me leaving an angry Meiko. We walked thorough the corridors getting comments from all the girls, like "Omg! Who's the cutey?!" "Why is he with that nerd?" "She probably forcing him!" I sighed sadly and looked down trying to avoid everyone's staring eyes, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and Kirigia was smiling and started talking "Hey, this might sound dumb, have very lovely hair." I felt my face heat up a bit as I smiled shyly "Thank you, you have...a very lovely shade of purple eyes." He chuckled as he smiled "Thanks Miku! Nobody's ever complimented my eyes and described them as a shade of purple." I blushed darker, because I probably made of fool of myself and looked down.
I smiled as I stared at Miku, she was beautiful. Lovely blue eyes along with the same aqua blue hair I remembered. Here's the girl I fell in love with years ago. I was finally pulled out of my trance when Miku spoke "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." I smiled at her "Oh, yea. I just registered, that why I didn't introduce myself this morning." She smiled and was about to speak when a blond haired boy came up to us. "Hey, Miku! I've been looking for you dear."
He smiled at her, but stared at me eyeing me from head to toe. He scoffed before speaking "Who are you?" He's voice cold and laced a bit with venom. As much as I wanted to punch this guy in the face I couldn't. So instead I smiled slightly "Hello, my name's Soto Kirigia. Nice to meet you." He rolled his eyes and turned to Miku. "Dear, I was waiting for you in the cafeteria why didn't you go?" Miku stared at him and then looked at the ground "I-I'm sorry. I-I just don't like the cafeteria." I watched as the boy sighed a bit angrily and faked a smile "Well dear, your going to have to get used to it."
01~MIKU'S POV~01
Len grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the cafeteria. As I was being pulled away Kirigia smiled softly towards me "See you later Miku!" He then turned and started to walk away. I couldn't help, but feel like I've seen him before, oh well. Maybe I'll remember sooner or later.

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