A Brother?

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Maybe I'll remember sooner or later.
01~MIKU'S POV~01
Len dragged me away from Kirigia. Once we turned the corner he pinned me to the wall and growled "What where you doing with that, idiot?!" I felt fear rush through me. "I-I....I'm sorry! H-he's new! So I helped him!" I said desperately as his grip tightened on my wrists. I closed my eyes as I felt tears rush to my eyes...then his grip was gone. I opened my eyes and I saw Len's face full of anger. "Tsk. Why did I choose you again? Oh, right! Because your supposed to get me on Luka's good side." He said harshly as he left me. He kept walking but stopped and called over his shoulder "Don't forget to eat in the cafeteria tomorrow." I felt my knees go weak and I slide against the wall until I was on my knees. I looked at the red rose that was in my hands and felt my tears slide down my pale face. I quickly stood up and wiped the tears from my face and ran through the halls, letting the lovely rose fall to the ground. Once I was out and away from the school's grounds I ran to the park and sat under a lovely green tree next to the pond. I brought my knees close to my body and wept into my hands. I cried until my eyes no longer spilled tears and feel asleep.
02-RIN'S POV-02
Once the school day was over I noticed that the teal haired girl named Miku wasn't in my last hour. I couldn't help why she hadn't shown up, I as the President of the school council had the right to know every information of any student. I remember a few years ago a teal haired girl joined us, she never talked, spoke, or ate. She never smiled or socialized with anyone except Luka and a blue haired boy I hardly remember. I sighed as the bell pulled me from my thoughts and walked home, I decided I should take the path that took longer to get home. I did not want to be home alone with my brother and all the girls he brought home, I walked through the park until I noticed Miku sleeping under a big tree. I ran up to her and nudged her awake she opened her eyes slightly and backed away quickly. "L-Len?! W-why are you a girl?!" I couldn't help but giggle, "I'm not my idiotic brother! I'm Rin, his older sister!" She smiled slightly, she raised her hand for me to shake which I gladly took "I'm Miku...nice to meet you." I smiled as we started talking, she wasn't that bad. I'm surprised why everyone hates her. She's nice, sweet, kind, caring, honest, selfless. I don't understand why my brother is using her to get Luka, when he has a jewel under his nose. She smiled slightly then jumped to her feet "I'm late! Dad's going to kill me!" She yelled terrified, I stood up and grasped her shoulder lightly "Want me to walk home with you?" She stiffened then smiled slightly nodding her head. We walked a long while and talked about ourselves, soon we arrived at a lovely white house with a lively and colorful garden. We walked up to the door and knocked lightly.
01~MIKU'S POV~01
I heard as the lock of the door opened up and there stood a young man, he had my same colored hair and eyes as me. I felt tears prick my eyes as I jumped into his opened arms and hugged him tightly. "Oh, Mikuo! I haven't seen you since forever! How's school?" I asked him as I pulled away smiling, he smiled as he ruffled my hair "Nice to see my little sis is doing ok. Pretty good actually. I'm passing my engineering and biology course." We continued to talk until we heard a soft cough behind us. I turned and smiled "I'm sorry Rin, this is my older brother Mikuo."
02~RIN'S POV~02
I blushed as I saw Miku's brother. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand bring in it to his lips and placing a soft kiss to it "Hello, my name is Hatsune Mikuo, it's a pleasure to meet you. And you are?" I felt my heart start to beat rapidly and my knees go weak just by hearing his voice and that smile.... I smiled "Oh, I'm Rin! Nice to meet you Hatsune-San." He chuckled as he pulled his hand gently away from mine "Please, call me Mikuo." I blushed heavily and nodded my head until I heard a voice call from behind me. Mikuo, Miku, and I turned around and there was.........

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