Truth or Dare

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I left Miku in the kitchen as I tried to walk away cool, but I was sadly failing! My face was a bright red and and I was sweating. I walked out of the kitchen and was meet with Mikuo and Rin, with a smirk plastered on their faces. They watched us the entire time?!

"Oh...H-hey guys." I smiled nervously as they leaned in closer to me.

"So~ I see you like my sweet sister 'Kirigia' wait! Scratch that Kaito~!" Mikuo said deviously as Rin's smile faded.

"Wait! You're Kaito! The guy every girl was fond of until you left and then my brother became the "hottest guy" in school?! The same Kaito that hung out with Miku?! How?! Your hair is orginally blue and your eyes as well!" Rin kept rambling on until Mikuo shut her up with a kiss on the cheek.

" dyed my hair, and I'm wearing contacts. It's true I used to go to school here, but I wasn't that great as everyone keep it down. Yes I used to hang out with my little leek-" I was cut of by Rin.

"Did you say little leek?" She asked in wonder. But I didn't respond Mikuo did.

"Yep...he called her little leek and she would call him her little popsicle. It was cute, they acted like a couple! To bad Kaito left before he could  confess that he loved her." Mikuo said sadly and Rin agreed that it was cute and rather sad too.

After a while of talking we went to the living room and Miku joined us, we decided to play truth or dare.

Mikuo turned to Miku with a smirk.

"Truth or dare~?" He asked 

Miku looked at him suspiciously as she pondered in her thought on what to choose.

"Dare! You know I never back out of dares, so give it your best Leky!" She laughed, while Rin looked absolutely baffled.

I leaned in to whisper in to her ear, "Mikuo, like Miku is oddly fond of leeks. So her nickname for him is Leky and both his and mine nickname for her is little leek." I smiled as I pulled away hoping she would catch my drift, and she gladly did as she nodded in response.

Mikuo smirked as he leaned in and whispered the dare into Miku's ear. The confidence on her face was replaced with a look of shock and a hug blush set place on her lovely pale cheeks.

"Mikuo! That's not fair!" Miku yelled as she smacked Mikuo which he only chuckled too.

"A dare is a dare, Miku. So do it." Me and Rin laughed at Miku and Mikuo's child-like attitudes.

"Fine." Miku pouted as she leaned in closer to me, her face just a few inches from mine. Her face was a bright red and I bet mine was too.

"I'm sorry Kirigia." She whispered to me as she leaned in and kissed my cheek gently.

I felt the warmth of her lips against my cheek, she stayed like that for a while. While I stood there frozen on the spot. She pulled back quickly and made her way back to her place as she stared at the ground, trying to hide her cute blushing face.

A blush adorned my usually cool face as Mikuo and Rin both laughed and dog whistled.

"H-hey! S-stop it you guys!" The blush on my face darkened as I tried to look anywhere but at them, but my gaze always landed on Miku.

I don't know if this was the most embarrassing or best truth or dare game I've ever played!

Sorry if it's short, but I've been so busy and stressed with school!!! I mean I have to have 10 notes each week, and I have book club and I have two huge projects due too. I've just had a busy schedule and no time to update, next chapter will be more truth or dare or a chapter involving Len. Either way hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!!! I love you guys!!! ^^

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