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I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I hope this makes up for what I haven't written!!!!

I blushed heavily and nodded my head until I heard a voice call from behind me. Mikuo, Miku, and I turned around and there was.........
~•~RIN'S POV~•~
We turned around and there was that new kid, standing at the entrance of the gate. Mikuo looked at us and then smiled as he walked over to meet the guy.
   "Yo! Kirigia! Long time no see, how you been?" Mikuo smiled at him as he gave him a high-five and a bro-fist.
Kirigia smiled then look at us (more like he looked at Miku) and blushed slightly.
   "I thought you said it was just going to be you only at home...not that I mind these lovely ladies." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, he's blush growing a bit darker.He then walked over to me and introduced himself.
   "Hello, my name is Kirigia, nice to meet you ms...?" He asked politely.
I stood there dumbfounded and then smiled brightly at him replying, "Nice to meet you Kirigia! My name is Kagamine Rin!"
~*~MIKU'S POV~*~
I smiled as Kirigia introduced himself in front of Rin. He then looked at me, his lovely purple eyes starring back at my blue ones. I felt my cheeks heat up, and for a minute my heartbeat quickened. His smile full of bashfulness as he looked away with a dark blush dusting his light skin. I giggled and then Rin nudged me before whispering in my ear.
"Miku, I think Kirigia likes you." She then backed up with a smirk plastering her face.
I bet my face was as red as a tomato as she said that. How can he like me?! I mean he's cute and all, but me?! What do great about me? I was broken out of my trance when Mikuo tapped my shoulder lightly.
"Miku, dad's out of town so he wanted me to watch over you...I hope you don't mind. It will only be for a couple of weeks." He said with a smile.
I felt a smile rise to my face as I jumped up and pulled him into a bear hug, "Oh, thank you Mikuo! You're the best brother ever!!!" Mikuo was quick to return the hug as he also smiled brightly.
I then thought of a brilliant idea. I whispered it to Mikuo, and he stopped to think about it, which led to him nodding in approval. I giggled as I kissed his cheek and turned to Rin and Kirigia.
"You guys want to stay over for a bit? I'll bake you guys a cake, and we could watch a movie, and we could play games!" I asked them a bit to childish I guess, but they just smiled brightly and nodded their heads.
We walked inside her house, I was right. Her house hadn't changed since the last time I had come over. There was hardly no pictures, the kitchen and living room seemed as lifeless as always, but I just smiled brightly. I guess Rin noticed but she didn't seem to mind, as long as Miku was happy I guess everyone was. We waited in the living room talking as Miku went to go get changed. Mikuo, Rin and I talked for what felt like forever, when we heard footsteps coming from downstairs. Miku came down and she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with rips on the back revealing her bright blue undershirt, some black shorts with blue and black stripped leggings underneath, a pair of white converse, black fingerless leather gloves, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail...she looked beautiful. She sat next to me and I couldn't help but blush brightly, Mikuo chuckled and Rin giggled at me.
"Let's go to the kitchen! You guys can help me bake, or you can be a lazy-but like Mikuo and not do anything!" She giggled as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen. I laughed as I stood up and so did Rin, Mikuo pouted as we all walked into the kitchen.
"That's not true! I totally help you, by eating it, but I still help!" Mikuo argued like a little kid and we all burst into a roar of laughter. I guess I don't mind being here with Miku and her new friend, Rin.

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