Chapter 4- The dude with the killer guns and the ex with her filed claws.

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A.N: Hi guys, can you see the pictures i put up in the story. Because I'm not sure if they actually even show up. So please let me know if they don't. Also the person in the picture above is Mallory.

Riley's POV:

Never in my 17 years of living had I ever stalked anyone on Facebook, let alone a guy that I may or may not have a serious crush on. Detention had been pretty uneventful, unless you count Bailey almost making me go deaf when she squealed about "finally getting noticed by the angel that is Connor Griffin" on the way towards Mrs. Beavers lair of torture. Her words not mine.

Nearly halfway through our time in feline scented prison, Mason and Connor walked in, smelling worse than the weird weed scented dude with pit-stains (who's locker is two spots down from mine by the way). You would think that I would at least know that they were both on the Basketball team. Now that I think about it Bailey did say something about Connor's amazing defense skills about a month ago (whatever that means), but I'd been obsessing over Jensen Ackles too much to care.

By the time we had split the tasks in half, Mrs. Beaver crawled back in with so much sadness painted on her face, you would think that she had stubbed her toes, but no she was just sad to see us go. Have I mentioned how sadistic "ye old beaver" actually is.

As we were walking back to my car, we were asked to go to a party. Yup, that's right. Suck it everyone. This gal right here has officially been asked to go to a party by her extremely attractive Chemistry partner.

Somehow, my answering hesitantly had resulted in both their numbers being added to my phone. Being raised to never talk to strangers I had to do a background check and maybe look at some of Mason's pictures of him working out in the gym, but I mean come on.. I don't know what half the kids in my class like to do in their spare time. They could have a meth lab or be serial killers.

With that thought in mind I had landed on Mason Kennedy's Facebook profile. And let me tell you, some of those pictures shouldn't even be legal. Mom was the one who found me face down on the living room floor, mumbling about Mason's "killer guns" or something along those lines. Personally, I think old age is getting to her..When have I EVER said "killer guns" in my life? That's right...NEVER! But I mean we are talking about Mason here and YES he does have killer guns!

He's got me pursuing all these seriously psychotic activities. Like stalking his two year relationship with a girl called "Mallory", who is way too perfect to be real. No-one's hair can be THAT non-frizzy by itself. I bet she's a demon. Okay watching way too much Supernatural lately."Riley, dinner's ready" Mom screeched was what finally made me close Mallory and Mason's profiles. The good news is Mason is not a serial killer, but Mallory could have a meth lab with how un-blemished her skin is. The bad news, well..if by any luck Mason does choose to date me, I'll have a seriously perfect and goddess like ex on my hands. Did I mention her fake nails have been filed to the shape of knives. Yup.. I'm so screwed.

"Okay Bailey I have seriously no idea what the heck you just said to me. All I could make out was "outfits, party, Connor and something about looking so good people swallow their tongues". I sighed. "Oh and by the way my parents both agreed after some serious puppy dog faces and promises to not and I quote "indulge in alcohol, drugs and any other activities that could result in me being arrested." I added.

"Okay that's perfect. My parents basically said the same thing, but with a lot more oomph. You know? My dad went and quoted Coach from Mean Girls. Something about intercourse killing me.. Anyway the party is in two days and we are getting ready at my place since the parental unit will be out." Bailey ordered.

"Okay Bails, but I swear to God if you make me wear something that's even close to the length of a t-shirt and call it a dress, Connor is going to get a very interesting text about a certain obsession you used to have with a particular Jonas brother!"I warned.

"Hey, Nick Jonas has the face and the voice of an angel. And also it was not an obsession, I was just showcasing my support!" Bailey had a tendency to play down her true feelings towards Nick Jonas."You built him a shrine in your cupboard, with candles and everything!" I retorted indignantly.

After that particularly entertaining conversation, Bailey left to go participate in a "Mean Girls Quote-off" against her dad. And I lay on my bed listening to the beautiful melodies of Years and years, before drifting off to sleep. Mulling over some chick's seriously razor-like talons that one day may scratch me across the face, permanently disfiguring my face. Okay now I'm scared.

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