Getting Out

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We all sit in our cells, waiting for breakfast.

"Alright, you can go." I hear a familiar voice say.

Its been two days since Mal was caught, we haven't seen her since.

She said the words, so I have hope.

I hear the sound of a spray paint can.

"Hello?" Jay yells.

We hear the sound over and over.

Just like the day she left....

We hear it again.



Something explodes.

"Give me the keys." The voice says.

Then, I see that all the cameras are down.

Someone walks around the corner.

She has black hair and bright shining green eyes.

"Miss me?" She says holding the wand, her bag, and the keys to all the cells.

I smile brightly.

Mal points the wand at her hair and makes it normal again.

"Jee. I hated my hair black." She mutters.

We all stare at her.

My ring, she is wearing my ring.

"Mal!" Evie shouts happily.

"Shh. I'm supposed to be feeding you." She mutters to her.

She starts at the beginning of the long hall, string free Doug.

Soon enough she get to the gang.

They hug.

She walks over to me.

"Ben." She says happily.

She unlocks my cell and we hug.

"Mal, where are my parents?" I ask her.

She frowns.

"They are in the castle. I had to sit through them making fun of them in a cell. I ended up staying later so that I could apologize and tell them my plan." I say.

He stares at me.

I throw Jane the keys.

"If you see Belle and Beast, let them out immediately." I say.

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