Chapter 7 - Slipping through the cracks.

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I pick at my food the entire time concentrating on their chat and making sure James doesn't say anything inappropriate. I feel like we did some crime and I'm the one who is having a panic attack, while my partner is undergoing investigation.

The only difference is that he is not undergoing investigation. I will be the one to go through with it later. Cue to frequent sighing in future.

"...and obviously I was never one to take crap from people, so then I said 'Dude, where do you think you..'....." bla bla and more bla. Oh, just so you know James, my Mom was never the small-talk types.

"...haha!.....a good one. You are so funny James! You should come around often, dear. Don't you think so, Ana?"

Wow. That was just the thing I needed from my Mom now! Note the sarcasm.

"No Mom! James has other works to do than to entertain me and you all day. Don't you James?" I say, giving him a murderous look with a psychotic smile.

He shrugs a shoulder and replies, "Yeah, I've got Soccer practice most of the time."

I turn to my plate at this and start to eat the potatoes, just when I'm about to place the spoon in my mouth, he adds "But then ofcourse, who would want to miss out on hanging out with such an amazing company like you Jane?".


I'm mute for the entire conversation between them for the next 30 minutes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Glare at them both. Repeat. This was what I was trying to concentrate on. After what felt like another eternity, James starts to flatter my Mom more about how her tropical ice cream was or whatever.

"Please come over soon dear, it was great to spend time with such a lively person like you. It's always so boring here." my Mom says to James.

Ouch, so what, I was dead all these years to you?

"Aye aye! I'll make sure of that Jane." he replies. They both turn to me, to look at me like I just arrived from the beach and look like a crazy Seagull or something.

I flash them a smile and nod my head like I was God with utmost authority granting them their wish. Then I drag James to the door and turn him to me. Okay, more like I turned towards him.

"Cool. So, like we discussed earlier, you are done with the lunch and I'm done with your childishness. Leave me alone from now on...." I look up to his face "...please."

"What's the hurry Ana?" he smirks "Ants in your pants? I'd love to help you out of them, you know."

"Yeah right! Like that would ever happen. Stop irritating me. What do you want from me?" I ask out of desperation to make him leave. Quite frankly, I dont think I can take anymore of his handsome face staring right at my flushed, embarrassing face.

James looks at me like I'm an amusement park by itself and has noticed it for the first time in his life. His Grey eyes, which are normally so bright and radiant are now dark, almost Black and mysterious. He catches hold of my wrists slowly closes the distance between us, this drags my attention to his hands. That's when I notice his wrist band.

It was like any other band at the first glance, I've seen it before from afar. But this time, I noticed a name engraved into it. Charles. Who was that? Must mean a lot to him and all..given he wears this all the time.


I jerk my head up to see his face that somehow got intensified 10 times in this short span of time. Good God!

"If you are done checking me out, I'd love to get my answer now." he says smugly.

"I..I wasn't! I wasn't 'checking' you out. You need not be so cocky all the time, you know." I reply, blushing the shade of tomatoes by now, I'm sure.

"Whatever sails your boat, Princess." he continues to taunt me into a fight.

I sigh deeply, feeling faint from all of this drama. Hah! All of this drama wouldn't have took place if I hadn't bumped into him in the first place.

"Okay." I say.


"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."

He stares at me for what seems like forever without any expression. What is he thinking? Wasn't this what he wanted?

"Uh..that is...if the deal is still on, that you'll let me be, and mind your own business after this!" I add quickly so he doesn't have any loop holes through this later.

James shakes his head and comes out of whatever reverie he was in. So the 'star spangled man with a plan' is in the act again..."Ana, I know that you really don't want any part of this but trust me, I need you to be my girlfriend."

"No pressure! hah." I say under my breath. He might have heard that part but chose to ignore it.

I reply saying, "Well, I did tell you I'm on for this, if you quit bothering me afterwards. And never ever....ever... take me to be the brainless beauty or whatever! You've been warned." I give him a hard look and dare him to say anything further.

"Chill out Suckerpunch!" he puts his hands up as in surrender and raises his eyebrows. "I promise. And I uh wanted to do this all day." He suddenly bends, and places a sweet, soft kiss on my cheek, leaving me frozen in my place, with my mouth open, staring at his wall of a chest.

"Sleep tight babe." was the last thing he said before leaving the house, with a big ass smirk.

What am I to do with you James Anderson?

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