Chapter 12

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Autumns POV

So Christie told me that it's a 'bad idea' if me and Ash got back together. Although I do see where she's coming from.

Back when me and Ashton were first dating, he treated me like every girl wanted to be treated by the person they loved, that was until we got the news. The news that no son or daughter wanted to hear from one of their parents. Ashton's dad had left him and his family. This made him depressed for a while, and I tried my hardest to make him happy again, but depression is like falling in a hole with no ladder or no way to get out, it consumes you. After the first couple of months Ashton wouldn't talk to anyone, he did however say the occasional 'I love you' which made the butterflies in my stomach turn however that didn't last long when Ashton wanted to be the man of his house. He looked after his mum and his brother and sister like any teenage boy would do when they're the oldest boy in the family. The loving Ashton I had once known turned into a completely different person. He'd ignore me and the boys and act like we were invisible, I tried to understand and I still stuck by his side but that wasn't good enough for Ashton. Being the oldest in the house Ashton took up some of his fathers old ways, he began drinking a lot and getting wasted. He tried to make me have sex with him most nights, but I didn't want to do it if only a quarter of his brain was sane. So when me, Luke and Calum went round to his one day he was completely out of it, which resulted in him pushing me up against the wall and forcefully taking my clothes off, while Luke and Calum tried to pull him off me. I then ran home and I swore never to speak to him again. What a promise.

I think Christie is just afraid of Ashton getting into his old habits again, but I know Ash, and he didn't mean to do any of it, especially when he had sex with another girl at a party we both attended because I wasn't feeling the best and Michael was making sure I wasn't going to throw up or black out. Jealousy makes people to stupid things.

"Christie, he's not the same person he was, you know that he did it all of stupidity and his brain was clouded."

"That's no excuse Leaf, he still did it, and he left me, Luke, Michael and Calum to pick up the pieces and clean up the mess. I'm not doing that again. Autumn listen to me, he's gonna hurt you, but if you want to fall back into that hole again, go ahead but I'm not gonna be there to pull you out this time. Got it?"

I honestly didn't know what to say, Christie was so against me and Ash getting back together but she didn't know how I felt. I had loved that boy ever since I first laid my eyes on him, and yes, he may have hurt me once or twice but he's changed. Yeah...he's changed.

A cough then broke me out of my thoughts, my eyes scanned the room to find the source of the cough when they finally hit Ashton.

"Ash? I thought-" I was cut off mid sentence. Rude.

"Never mind what you thought. I'm here to talk to Christie, would you mind stepping out for a few minutes babe" babe. He called me babe and it made my legs turn into jelly, why did he always do this to me. "I think Luke's in the kitchen, why don't you go make sure he's ok? He has got a swollen black eye of course."

"Er, sure, I'll go check on Luke." I replied quietly back.

I walked into the kitchen were Luke was sitting in a stool scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, how's your eye now?" I asked.

"Well it hurts, a lot, and now I have to tell people that I got hit by a girl...which isn't going to look good."

"I would hardly call Christie a girl, she's just got girl bits, she's got the personality of a boy." I said laughing at my own stupid sentence.

"She's a girl Autumn, this sucks." His voice turned mute and he put his phone on the kitchen counter.

"Just tell them that you had a fight with someone and you totally kicked their ass."

He laughed and then replied, "That's a great idea, thanks Autumn."

There was silence between us, not an awkward one, a comfortable one, where either one of us could spill out anything that was on our minds. Unfortunately that idea closed when we heard screams coming from the hall. Our eyes widened as we looked at each other and began to walk towards the hall.

We waited on the other side of the door that Christie and Ashton were having a screaming competition listening to the odd swear word or opinions on why the other one is wrong. That's when I heard it.

"You're just going to break her heart again Ash! She doesn't need you in her life."

I got up before Luke could catch me and opened the door to reveal Christie and Ashton. Ashton had tears which looked like they were going to spill from his eyes any minute while Christie looked guilty, and sorry.

I stared at both of them going back and forth when movement was finally made. I looked up to see Ashton walk close to me with eyes filled with sorrow and guilt and love all at the same time.

"I love you Autumn, so damn much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Oh shit.
I'm back again, I'm still sorry about the slow updates, but I'm trying.
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