Chapter 10

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Hello, here is my new chapter, hope you all like it, plz vote and comment!!!:)
Harshad: Soha, Aryaman first let's check the dorms because there is....
Soha: always someone dumb enough to hide there, hey guys I will check the the girls, you both check the boys ok
Harshad and Aryaman found 2 boys hiding under the bed and locked them in a room, Soha found a girl hiding in the washroom and also locked her in the same room.
The all the seniors meet in the lawn.
Soha(whispering so only the seniors can listen): ok so the plan is first we all will check all the dorms on the top floor, and then we will check the classrooms deal
Harshad: yaa come on, let's win this year, as we juniors didn't win last year
Aryaman: let's do this, girls check the right and we boys will check the left, then we will come down
Arima: ok cool, after all the classrooms are done we will check the lawn, ok
Seniors: all in and out, let go
They go upstairs.
Soha: girls make yourselves in pair of 2's it will be easier to catch
So they are in pair of twos and they go search the juniors
Harshad: guys get yourselves a partner or 2 and let's get searching
So both troops search the dorm rooms first and then the classrooms.
They meet by a room that is locked and lock the students in there with the others.
Harshad: now let's do the bottom of school
Arima: let's get searching people, and remember we have to win this thing
So they search the all the dorms first and then reh classrooms.
Aryaman: again pair yourselves up
Then again they meet by the rooms and lock the students in there.
Harshad: you guys now search the lawn, Soha, Aryaman, and Arima come here
Soha: ab kya hua?? We caught everyone
Harshad: not everyone we still didn't catch the Fab 5
Aryaman: oh yesss the real fun let's go
Arima: there is on,y one place we didn't check...
Soha: what let us???
Arima: the place we all hate.... The library!!!!
Aryaman: then what are we waiting on for let's go
They go to the library very quietly.
Harshad(whispering quietly): Soha and Arima check the computer lab, me and Aryaman will check the shelves
Soha and Arima check the lab first the chairs then they check under the tables and they find Alya, Dhruv and Vibha.
They very quietly approach them and standing behind them....
Soha: caught you
The 3 look back to find Soha and Arima
Alya: OMG
Soha: hello Miss. Fashion Queen, surprise, surprise seeing you after a whole year
They come out and follow Soha to the shelves.
Harshad had already found Mukti, Abhi and Ronny.
Harshad: hello my dear friend, I caught you, you see I was already good at hide and seek
They come out to find Soha and Arima with Alya, Dhruv, and Vibha.
Soha: we found them..
Harshad: and we found them, now Mukti be so kind to tell us where you other friends are!!!
Mukti: you are not my best friend anymore that I will tell you anything, you lost that right say 2-3 years back, and Soha how would you ever think I will tell you and your " frined", anything after a incident 2-3 years back
Soha: that was none of my fault, what ever happened I did not cause anything between your and Harshad's friendship
Mukti: oh yaa you think, Ms. Soha Khurana don't even get me started on what you did and didn't do, if I say it, no one will give you any respect at all
Soha: if it's that bad then go for Mukti, don't be scared
Mukti: I am not scared loser, I was thinking about you, and FYI I was taught to care about others unlike you
Aryaman: hey hey hey you can be enemies with my sis but do not question how we were raised, you get that
Vibha: hey dude, she was not questioning how you were raised, she is just saying that she got taught better manners than you
Alya: before you guys say anything to my friend, think about what bad things you have done, you get that
Navya, Cabir and Bublu come out of their hiding spot, to support their friends.
Cabir: sun liya
Harshad: thank you so much Cabir for making our work easier
Cabir: we being fab 5 would never be friendly to you after what you have done to Mukti, ditcher
Soha: hey we didn't ditch anyone, she left us
Navya: if she left you or you ditched her it was for the best at least she is happy, I don't know what she would be I she were with you loners
Arima: loners and us???
Mukti: yes you, always following Harshad and Soha and not putting your point
Harshad: then what difference between you and us??
Cabir: as in ??
Harshad: you guys are always following Manik around
Dhruv: HEY HARSHAD STAY IN YOUR LIMIT, Manik is our lead because he protects us and cares about us and he knows how to lead a group and we do not follow him we walk with him
Harshad: you are always a headache guys lets just take them to the room
Mukti: what did I say always following him
She hi fives Cabir and Navya.
They take all of them to the room and lock them there with the other students.
Harshad joins the other seniors on the lawn checking the trees and everything else there.
Aryaman saw a guys going to the out house and he wanted to check it so...
Aryaman: yo dude you go to the other side I will check that
So Aryaman goes to the out house when...
Harshad: kaha ja raha hai?? Waha koi Nahi milega
Aryaman: it's just good to check in case, then it shouldn't be that we didn't leave anything to check
Harshad: ok you check there I am on the other side
Then Aryaman is going to open the door when...
Soha: Aryaman kaha ja raha hai, koi junior is not that smart that they will hide there
Aryaman: didi, check Karne me kya kharabi hai, let me check na
Soha: theek hai go check and get relief
So Aryaman finally opens the door and goes in....
Aryaman(to himself):why are there so many boxes, oh ok let me go around them
So Aryaman slowly goes around the boxes... Dun dun dun
He see's his sister like friend from the car and his friend Manik.
Aryaman(to himself): I should catch them then seniors will win the night call, but if I catch them they won't be my friends anymore, but if I don't I will get blamed for not catching them and lose my current friends, but I will persuade them but how do I persuade Manik and Nandani, they just started to trust me, I should leave them anyways they are tired so let them be
With that thought Aryaman leaves the outhouse.
Aryaman: ya there is no one there I think we got everyone lets go
They all agree and they go to the room with the locked room.
Harshad: hey Cabir tell me where Manik is???? Or else
Cabir: or else, kya karega, marega, will you hit me, oh too sad too bad hitting in school is against the rules
Harshad: cabirrr, guys lets go check the school again Aryanna go with them
Aryaman: ya dude we will be back
They check the whole school and the lawn, but Aryaman makes sure that no one checks the out house.
They go back to room.
Aryaman: Harshad we found no one, I don't know where they are we check every corner but couldn't find them
Soha: but they came with us to school
Harshad: ok I think they maybe left or something
Next Morning
Manik wakes up and sees Nandani.
Manik: sari raat hum yaha???
Just then Nandani wakes and sees Manik confused.
Nandani: Manik where are we???
Manik: woh actually Nandani mein ne...
Nandani: what Manik, you what???
Manik: well yesterday remember, we were talking in the lawn...
Nandani: yes I remember
Manik: you fell asleep while talking so I first thought that I will take you to the dorm room, then I didn't know which one you were in so I dicier to go to Cabir and everyone else, but then I knew they will tease me, so I saw this out house and thought maybe...
Nandani: maybe you will make me sleep here and no confusions right
Manik: well not exactly, I thought that in the middle of the night we might wake up and go to our dorms... But I guess that didn't happen
Nandani: Manik you could have woken me up and....
Manik: Nandani I knew you were tried and didn't feel like waking you up and I was also tired so after living you down I immediately fell asleep so yaa
Nandani: know lets go our friends will be waiting for us come
Manik: yaa come on
They go inside the school and again bump into the principal.
Nandani: we are so sorry mam we didn't see you coming we are sorry
Principal: it's ok, but tell me where are you coming from all the students are in the assembly hall.
Manik: mam we were in the out house the whole night, in the lawn when we were eat our, food our friends saved for us we were talking and she fell asleep, then I thought of taking her to the girls dorm, but boys are not allowed, so thought of asking my friends but I know that they will tease me for sure, so I saw the out house and took her there, but after that I even fell asleep so yaa that was the story
Nandani: but mam plzz don't tell this to anyone plz mam
Principal: ok ok theek hai, you guys get dressed and then come to the assembly hall but wait outside and not until I tell you don't come in ok
Nandani and Manik: yes mam, we will get ready quickly mam
They rush and they get ready and reach the hall.
Inside the principal is saying " this year the juniors won the night call, and it was a close one but still ten juniors won, I know that you all are shocked but I will now call the winners of the night call, Manik and Nandani"
Everyone claps and is very excited, but not Harshad and Soha.
Manik and Nandani enter the hall and go up on stage.

Hello I hope you all love my story and thank you everyone for all the support, I am writing this story just cause you guys read. Also plz to vote and comment if I should improve or add on or anything. Bye and keep reading.😉😉😃😃👋🏻👋🏻☺️

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