Poem #4: Trapped

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She was trapped in her past, couldn't go to her future.

She wanted to be a better person but she didn't have a tutor.

She wanted someone to talk to her, She wanted a suitor.

 But they all talked through her, like she wasn't there.

Stuck in the ground like a sewer. In  the middle of nowhere.

Her life was going nowhere. She couldn't move.

She was in need of someone to move her.

To push her in the right direction, just a slight suggestion of a future

. She was lost, confused, angry and abused in ways to terrifying to describe.

She was tired of walking in her shoes and wanted others to try on.

A new pair, a new size, a new life. A new bed to lie on.

She was STUCK. Angry at the world,

looking for her life that was lost since she was a girl.

Before she became just another face on the streets,

pounding the pavements for something to eat.

She was trapped, but now she isn't.

She could have given up, but she didn't.

She pushed on, got her life back on track,

gave up the weed and crack

ages ago.

Because this one man

reached out and took her hand.

He gave her the courage to take a stand.

To change her life. 

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