This world is full of people that are overflowing with lies and have ghost hearts. They are immature and can't handle things properly. Immature people don't get viewed highly in this world though, the people who are mature do.
I have many dreams and goals that I wish to accomplish and I know that everyone in this world does. It worries me though when people say that their goal is to be prettier or to have a boyfriend. No one needs these things to be a better person. In fact, sometimes these things impact you negatively. Sometimes you just have to reflect on what you want in life so you can point out any mistakes. There is no bigger mistake than making up fantasy dreams that you want to accomplish when they are too far out of your reach.
I always think that I can be someone better in this world, that I could make a difference in someone's life. I always want to try to be that person that helps others for the better but I seem to be the raging river that destroys things instead of improving them. As I leave my path of destruction behind, I find out who I truly am, a disaster waiting to happen.