Chapter 3 - New Student.

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Chapter 3

New Student

The following morning, on the way to school Mary continued to talk about the Friday night party. She’d even planned what she was going to wear and so when she asked me what I was wearing I shrugged and escaped from her car.

“I’m serious, what are you wearing?” She asked as she caught up to me.

“Clothes, I guess” I laughed before changing the subject. “I’ve got to go and show the new student around.”

Leading frazzled, wide-eyed students around school for a whole day isn’t exactly my idea of an exciting day. But I couldn’t see any way out of this torture and so, I separated myself from Mary’s side and stalked down to Principal Freeman’s office to meet my new best friend for the day.

The school halls were already littered with tired students, rubbing morning snot out of their sleep deprived eyes.

I passed a small group of people whom were currently doing graffiti on the wall. Shaking my head in disapproval, I came up to the door of the office and straightened my crisp white shirt before entering.

There were a few students already lined up against the counter, waiting to talk to the secretary, probably to give some stupid excuse as to why they were absent during one of their big tests.

I smiled at Mrs Perkins as I made my way around the counter and towards the Principals room. I paused in front of the door and took a deep breath, bracing myself for the worst, before opening it and entering.

Principal Freeman looked up as I walked into the room and smiled at me.

“Good morning Miss Thatcher, how may I help you?.” He chirped his eyes twinkling, which made the wrinkles near his eyes more noticeable.

“Good morning sit, err.. Mr Ford asked me to escort a student.” I muttered, curiously looking over at the dark blonde girl sitting in the red chair in front of his wooden desk.

“Ah…yes Miss Thatcher, Mr Ford informed me about this decision yesterday and so this is the student you will be escorting around today,” he said motioning towards her and surprisingly she turned around and gave me a timid smile.

“This is Callie. Callie, this is Saffron Thatcher. Saffron will be helping you today, so feel free to ask her anything.” He smiled graciously, showing his perfectly straight white teeth and handing a piece of paper to Callie.

“This is your schedule; we tried to fit the classes you requested on it.”

He slowly came around his desk and held his hand out to the door, motioning for us to leave his office.

Nodding, I held open the door as we went through it to the main office, “Miss Thatcher?” Principal Freeman called from behind me and so I reluctantly turned to face him.

The girl, Callie also stopped at my side, “Thank you.”

Sighing slightly, I placed a smile on my face and replied “No problem.”

With a small nod he closed the door and went back into his office.

Walking slowly, I asked Callie for her schedule.

“Well…you’ve got an easy set of classes this semester,” I commented as we walked out the office and into the loud hallway.

“Isn’t that one of the benefits of being a senior? Having easy classes?” Callie laughed, readjusting her school bag.

“We have period two computers together,” I muttered, ignoring her comment and continuing. “So you can just come with me to lunch if you want?” She just shrugged carelessly and was currently staring ahead.

Curious as to what she was looking at, I too looked up.

Standing down the hall way was a group of boys clumped together, all of them talking and laughing obnoxiously.

“So…guys at Grayson high…how are they?” She giggled twirling her hair around her finger.

I rolled my eyes as I folder her schedule up. “Most of them are jerks who can’t keep their eyes off any girl who walks by.” I muttered, annoyed at how instantly she was seeking for their attention.

“Bad break up?” she asked raising her right eyebrow and giggling slightly, as a group of jocks walked by she quickly turned and gave a big smile.

Ignoring her stupid assumption I continued to drag myself down the school corridor.

As we were walking past a group of guys, Jamie, a tall bulky football player turned around and grinned.“Hey Saffron, who’s the pretty lady you got with you?” He grinned leaning against his lockers staring straight at Callie.

As if on cue all the footballers turned around and started ogling her.

I turned to look at Callie, assuming that she’d be fluttering her eyelashes and twirling her hair. But when I looked at her all I could see was pure and utter embarrassment.

The poor girl had literally gone pink in the face.

Before I could even tell Jamie to shut up and leave Callie alone, Nelly barged past me and gripped on to his arm.

Nelly was probably the second most popular girl in our school. She was a cheerful, bubbly kind of character, slightly annoying at times but she was tolerable: unlike Rebecca.

“Oh, hey Saff.” She smiled jumping up and down like an excited puppy, her glossy black hair bouncing as she moved. Leaning forward she whispered something into Jamie’s ear and a small smile spread across his face. He nodded slightly and then said “I gotta go, so see you guys later.”

A slight wave from Nelly, and then both of them took off.

Hand in hand, they made their way down the hallway. Everyone knew that Jamie and Nelly were perfect for each other. They were incredibly cute, yet annoying at times especially when they were having heated make-out sessions anywhere and everywhere.

The thought of them two, eating each other’s face made me cringe.

“Shall we go?” Callie asked her face now resuming its natural colour.

Nodding I walked towards her first subject, English. “This is your first lesson and I’ll be back here after class to show you to your next room.” I muttered opening the classroom door. Callie nodded and walked in. I quickly introduced her to the teacher, Mr Browning, before exiting and making my way to my own class.

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