Chapter 26 - An Accident.

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Chapter 26

An Accident.

You know how people say that life can change in an instant? Well, they’re right.

When I woke up the next day, Luca was gone.

I wasn’t expecting him to be up and making me breakfast before I went to school, but it hurt that he didn’t even bother to stay that night. I guess that’s I what I get for yelling at him.

The positive to this morning was that Kayden had kept his promise; he was out front honking at seven o’clock sharp to let me know he was here. Fortunately the ride to Grayson High was short and any awkwardness over the night before was gone, leaving us to have a fun ride.

He even offered to pick me up after school. In the end he managed to call me out of class again, pretending to be my father. Luckily, this time I wasn’t as shocked as I was the first time.

We went back to what we were doing the previous day. Kayden was still trying to teach me how to stand properly on the board and not fall flat on my face.

I was just coming up from my tenth face-plant into the water when Kayden called my name, an urgent look evident on his face. Beside him stood Kyra talking vigorously, a look of worry on her face.

My dazed brain automatically switched into panic mode. Had a bull shark somehow made its way into the lake? Was it right behind me?

I tried to keep calm and as still as I could possibly be, while Kayden reeled me back to the boat. “What’s going on? Is something wrong?” I asked as I floated near the boat. Kayden knelt down on the back platform and unbuckled the boots, allowing me to pull free from the board.

“Kayden?” I persisted, glancing at Kayden his intense face concerning me and at Kyra who was avoiding my gaze.

Neither of them spoke, as they pulled me up onto the platform. Kyra silently handed me a towel and so I got up wrapping it around me.

“Will you tell me what’s wrong?” I demanded staring directly at Kayden.

“It’s your mum.” He said finally.

I jerked my head back, perplexed. “My mum? What about her?”

Kyra glanced at Kayden and then spoke. “Your mum is at the hospital, she was in a wreck.”

My breath caught in my chest. My mum was in a wreck. She’s in the hospital. My mind mulled this over as if it was a foreign concept, not fully comprehending. I stood there numb.

Kyra reached forward holding my hand. “It’ll be okay Saff. We’ve just got to get to the hospital immediately.”

I nodded dumbly, my mind was consumed with the thought of my mum in the hospital bruised and battered.

The moment I realised that we needed to get to the hospital, I pulled away from Kyra’s grasp and grabbed my bag, pulling a random dress on over my wet swimsuit. Closing my bag once again I ran up the path to Kayden’s house, pain stabbing at my feet with ever small rock I stumbled over.

I heard Kayden and Kyra yell from a distance behind me, but I didn’t stop. I rushed into the house, through the halls and out onto the porch. I could feel tears prick my eyes as I raced out to Kayden’s sleek car and got in.

Only when I’d buckled in and taken a few breaths, did Kayden and Kyra emerge from the front door. I blankly watched them locate me in the car.

Kyra handed Kayden his clothes, before making her way to her own car. Kayden jogged down the stairs, shrugging on his shirt as he came towards his car. He started it up the second he got in and clasped the seat belt buckle in one swift movement.

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