Chapter 9 - Halloween Dance.

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Chapter 9

Halloween Dance.

It was just after eight when we finally got dressed and arrived back at Grayson High for the Halloween dance. It hadn’t taken us that long to get dressed, which was a surprise because normally it took Mary over two hours to get dressed; and I’m not exaggerating.

That girl would take ages to perfect herself, when in true fact she was perfect just the way she was.

Tugging the flowing flower printed skirt down, I hoped it was covering the majority of my thighs. I honestly couldn’t believe that I had let Mary convince me to leave the house in the ridiculous clothes.

I wasn’t that into dressing up for the Halloween dance, although I guarantee other students were more willing to walk around as Betty Boop or maybe even a mummy. So instead I’d let Mary pick out something from her own closet which consisted mostly of dresses, skirts or pink and flower-printed items.

The dark-coloured flower print skirt and the long sleeved white V-neck where the most toned down pieces of clothing I could find in Mary’s closet.

I awkwardly pulled at the helm of the skirt again, when suddenly Mary grabbed my arm.

“Would you please stop doing that? You look fine!” Mary commented as we reached the front door of the school. She reached forward and pushed the door open, letting us both in. Immediately we were hit with loud music.

I ran a hand through my incredibly soft wavy hair nervously. Three rounds of Mary’s shampoo and my hair felt amazingly soft.

We made our way through to the main hall, which was bustling with students dressed in different outfits. Some people came in simple casual clothing, while others were completely decked out in crazy costumes.

Mary led the way as we went around the perimeter of the room, heading directly for the tables that were now full with different trays of food and punch bowls. I felt my gaze drift around the room looking for something or someone… possibly Kayden.

I clasped my hands together anxiously as the thought of having him here at our school dance came to my mind. It was possible since our school let people from out of school come to the dance, that was if they had signed a permission form and handed it in.

“Who are you looking for?”  Mary asked as we stood at the other end of the room.

Turning around to look at her I replied softy, “Uh…No one, I’m just checking the place out.”

“We did a pretty good job.” Mary grinned looking around the main hall.

Grabbing my arm she tugged me behind her as she made her way towards a group of people. “Let’s see if anyone needs help with anything.”

Trying to dodge herds of talking people isn’t exactly easy to do, especially when your being pulling behind someone and are wearing wedged heels that are not too high, but extremely uncomfortable.

Just as I was about to moan about my aching feet to Mary, we reached the group of people and I let out a sigh of relief. My sigh of relief was instantly changed to a low groan when Nelly announced that she was in dire need of someone to run and get things for her, and according to her we were the perfect people to do the job.

Avoiding Mary’s vice like grip, I painfully walked beside her as we made our way out the main hall and into the corridor.

“Mary you do realise we have less than an hour left?” I told Mary glancing at the clock in the corridor.

She shrugged and continued walking down the corridor. “I know. At least we came.” She offered half-heartedly as we approached the main supply closets. As we entered the closet I looked around trying to identify the things we needed.

Nelly had told us to get some extra cups, plastic plates and drinks to refill the punch bowls.

“You grab the cups and that bottle of Sprite. I’ll grab the punch and some plates.” Mary commanded, taking over and handing me the things that were required.

“These shoes are killing me. I think I’ve got blisters,” I moaned tucking the cups under my arm. “Note to myself; never let Mary pick my clothes or shoes.”

“Well you shouldn’t have left your stuff at home.” She remarked, picking up the plates with her free arm.

I quickly walked out the room and stood outside, shifting from aching foot to aching foot.

Wearing heels wasn’t a very common thing for my feet, and so whenever I did wear them they protested furiously.

As soon as Mary came out the room we headed back to the main hall.

“Isn’t this fun?” I asked pouring the contents of our bottles into the large punch bowls.

“Oh yeah,” Mary groaned sarcastically. “Getting juice and pouring it into a punch bowl? Highlight of my night. I can’t wait for what’s next”

I laughed slightly, as Mary trudged over to throw the empty bottles in the bin. Whilst she was away, I moved down towards the table to set out the plastic plates.

“Oh, great!” Mary exclaimed as she neared me. “Nelly, our beloved blonde bitch, told me that everyone needs more food on the tables, and guess who she picked to carry out her orders?”

“Kenan and Kel?” I offered, trying to suppress my laughter.

Mary shot me a mean look and crunched the plastic wrappers in her hands. “Nope, us.”

“Yay. I’m so excited; I’ve been waiting all night for this.” I muttered scowling, as we both tossed the wrappers into the bin and headed out the main hall, once again.

“Are you alright?”  Mary asked me, once we had reached the main corridor. “You seem pretty down lately.”

Shrugging nonchalantly, I replied “Just tired. Luca’s been coming in and out the house at crazy times.”

She gave me a lopsided smile and an awkward hug, as we turned towards the school kitchen.

“I’ll meet you in a second. My feet are killing me.” I said pausing to lean against the plain wall.

She nodded glancing back at me and continued down the corridor, and in through the swing doors of the kitchen.

With a deep sigh, I ran a hand through my hair, again marvelling its ridiculous softness and bent over to pull off my heels. As I was pulling off my final shoe, the other in my hand that was gripping onto the wall for balance, that I heard a voice.

“This is a new twist. Cinderella taking off her shoes, instead of her losing it as she makes her escape from the ball.”

“You have got to be kidding me…” I muttered, scowling slightly and turning around. 

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