Side Chick: Paris's Story

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Part Thirteen
Hey Daddy
I just wanna get your attention, I really wanna be all up in your head
Turn the lights on
Cause what I got you gone wanna get some
But girl that's only if you ain't scared

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends? That lovely boyfriend of yours? The other lovely boyfriend of yours? ", my body went cold. How did know -

" I told you in the beginning Paris, you can never run from Tio. Ever ", I froze, staring into the large bathroom mirror. Outside I hear laughter and enjoyment.

Something I had always yearned for. Everytime I got it, something always came and messed it up.

" Baby doll, come on. You know you always loved me ", he stands behind me kissing the back of my head. Looking at me in the mirror.

Those pretty eyes.

"Paris, come on before your familia gets worried. As we walked out of the bathroom, I hoped someone noticed. But they all seemed to cheery, and into their own conversations.

Odell seen me and smiled, but as soon as he seen Tio it disappeared.

Please don't, anyone else you can try, but not Tio, please don't.

"Hey baby!", I plant a soft kiss on his lips and walk away. Feeling Tios eyes burning through my back, I stand back beside him,and introduce the two.

"Odell this is My Uncle Tio, Tio this is Odell", they shake hands. Tio, flashing his charming smile, tell Odell how much he loved his games.

Odell seem relaxed at the fact Tio seemed older, more full of wisdom. But only if he knew that he was only a mere few years older than us.

"Thanks Man, you know I try ". As they begin talking, Diamond slides in and pulls me away.

" Paris ", her voice was very shakey. She knew it was him, and that he was ready to take us back .

Part Thirteen

But they still trust you
They still fuck with you
Anything you do, anything you do
Everything you do
Drama is for you, Take the L you Lose
No need to pretend,
She got a little bit of drama with her friends..

Tio places the package in front me, atop of the kitchen counter. Taking another, from the cabinet, and another... And another.

"Four kilos, baby doll. Like four important years of your childhood", he laughs. My stomach was in knots, it took me weeks to get here. I begged Uncle Tio to late me run for him.

I finally convinced him with a small kiss.

Small. We haven't done anything yet.

"Alright, I'm gonna give you a bookbag, a regular one. The ones you teenage girls wear nowadays. Pink".

"Ok Tio", I laugh.

"You are going to pretend you and a Dealer of Mines girlfriend, are meeting up to hang out. Do not panic, if the cops seem suspicious of you. Ignore them. If they ask to search your bag, allow them to. The packages won't be felt upon, as they are cut into the fake textbooks. Do you understand me? ", He says sternly. I nod my head yes.

He smiles again, and says good.

"Think of it as a quiz before the big Test, si?".

Walking me out of the house, I felt nearly free for the first time. He kissed my lips again, this time a little longer then usual.

I walk away redder than ever.

Across the street from the house, was a little bar. I notice the girlfriend, sitting down. She waves and smiles at me.

"Hey! I'm Jen, but you can call me GiGi", I introduce myself also and sit down. We exchange numbers just in case anything were to happen.

"Is that it? ", she says in a low voice.

" yes, they are inside of the books".


We move from the bar, and onto the beach. I notice how she leaves the bag behind.

Looking back, I see a man, who was waiting in a nearby car, take the bag and leave.

"Hey, your bag", I say curiously. She tells me that, that was the dealer coming to take the product to sell.

As we sat down on a lounging chair, a few boys walked by. One of them being Green Eyes.

"Hey, Paris! ". I ignore him, and smile at GiGi.

" Ooo Bro, that was cold",one his friends say. he shrugged and says that I wanted him anyways.

What a dick, you wish.

"Who was that, baby doll? ", why does everyone insist in calling me that.

" Someone I'd like to call a Fuck Boy ".

" Ooo A fuck boy ", she takes a drag from her cigarette, and smiles.

" I remember when I was your age, always dealing with "Fuck boys".

"My age? You look my age! ", I shriek. She looked very, very young. A typical blue eyed, pink lipped blonde. With a baby face.

" I'm twenty-nine Doll, however I still like to think otherwise ", she winks. Looking at her watch she mutters something.

" Well the drop is done, nice meeting you ", and kisses my cheek goodbye.

" Oh and one more thing, always have a Plan B". She smiles sweetly and walks to a car in the nearby parking lot.

What was that supposed to mean.

I walk back to the house, contemplating on what she said. I thought this was my plan B. To Live with my Uncle, and be a teenager under the California sun.

I guess it was more to it than that.

"Hey! Watch it! ", a girl says to me. She was white, another blonde hair, but grey eyed, girl.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to", she shakes her head annoyed but says it's OK. Before I walk off, she stops me and asks my name.

"Paris, I live over there ", I say pointing to Uncles House.

" Ohh, you're Omars niece ", well I wouldn't say I was gonna be just that, for long.

" My mother works for him, Emma", she smiles. Now I see the resemblance. She had her chin dimples and wide ears.

"I'm Diamond, see you around ok? ", and with that she walked back to her group of people.

I smiled to myself, I kinda just made a new friend.

Walking to the open door, Tio greeted me with a bottle of Champagne.

" Congratulations! You did it Doll". He kisses my cheek, I guess in awareness of the girls in the room. Everyone clapped, and cheered.

"Thanks Tio ", I sip the champagne and head up to my room. The house was already beginning to fill up with tricks.

Tio comes in after, and locks the door behind him. My heart started to pound loudly. He sits in the bed, and motions me to do so beside him.

" Come, come. I want to give you something ". I sit, and watch as he pulls his hand from behind his back.

A band around alot of money, in Golden letters saying ''22,000'

My heart sank, I took it and felt lost for words.

" You earned it baby girl ", he kisses my head. Staring into his eyes, I close my own and kiss him.

Tio wasted no time in kissing me back, pushing me down on the bed. Before he continued, he takes his chain with a Golden cross off of his neck.

Kisses it, places it on the dresser and turns off the light

"My baby doll ".

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