Side Chick: Paris's Story Part 2

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Part Twenty Three
Right Hand

You my right hand...
You my go to.
Told me everything about you...
That's a bold move.
I know that you're out here...
There's some things you gotta go through...
Just know that these streets just don't love you like I do..
And they never will..

We, meaning Chris, Chasity and I, arrived in front of Breannas house. It was a small, brick built foundation, similar to a family house. But it stood alone.

Chris gets out of the car, and opens the door for me. Afterwards, he picks up Chasity, bridal style, and walks to the porch.

"Breanna it's me! ", I yell inside. The door was halfway open.

We walked in, and heard voices upstairs. As Chris laid Chasity on the couch, I went up to see what was happening.

" Guys? ", Breanna and Diamond were sitting on the bed hugging eachother crying.

Breanna's eyes met mine and she got up and hugged me.

" I'm so sorry for what you been through. I wish you would've told me and we coulda sort it out together! ", she sobbed on my shoulder.

I couldn't help but to hug her back, and break down crying. For the first time, I cried someplace where I knew I could be safe.

Or un-judged.

" But bitch you wrong for that thing with Chris ", she says laughing pulling me away.

" Girl on my mother, I didn't know you was friends with Chasity ", I felt my tears dropping against my sweater.

She squeezed my shoulders, and sat me on the bed.

" It's cool. Okay, so now that I know the real you, what's the plan? Do yall just wanna run away, or fight? ".

My stomach flipped at the thought of fighting Tio. It's not the fact that we wouldn't win, I still sort of had some feelings.

" Well I don't know, for the first time in my life, I just don't know. I'm tired of running, and I refuse to start over again ", Diamond croaks.

" Let's just go down stairs, make a big ass meal, then sort this out ". We walked down behind one another, in orderly fashion.

" Ow.. Ah baby, it still hurts ", Chasity says. Chris was cleaning her wounds off. I sat down behind the kitchen counter, and pretended not to pay no mind.

Diamond nudged me, but I ignored it. I gave her that " I have nothing to say look ". But she retorted with a "bring yo ass over there " face.

Sort of laughing, I braced myself. I got up and sat on the opposite side of the couch.

" Chasity look I-",

"Save it Hoffa ", she says raising her hand. My blood started boiling again, she know damn well I wasn't hesitant to beat her ass again .

" No , you're gonna listen. I never knew you to be Bree's friend, and me and Chris was Fucking even before I met you. It never, "just happened". It was going on for a good few years. I started to feel bad when I found you to be cool, and sort of a true home girl. Trust me, it all stopped when I found out who you was ".

Okay so the last part I lied a bit, but she cheated on him too so...

She stared at me, the same way Chris did in the car. Talk about relationship goals...

" I forgive you, Paris. But you", she says pointing to Chris, "We're done!". I got up and say closer to them both.

"I could understand that", he says as though he's heartbroken. I knew he wasn't tho, cause before he got up he pinched my butt.

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