Side Chick: Paris's Story

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Part Twenty
Ma Cherie (You Was Calling Me)

You was all on me, telling me I'm stressing you but you was calling me.
Helping you with all them problems you was covering.
I've been on my own it made me different ever since.
Is you gone let me hit, and me and you could settle in.
Thinking me and you together that make sense.
And I know you need your space, I ain't convinced.
I never lied, I told you that I wanted this.

"BITCH GET THE FUCK UP ", an angry voice rings in my ear as my face suddenly feels hot. My eyes sprang open to see Chasity hovering over me.

Her hands already gripped with locks of my hair. This bitch must be bugging. As she pulled me out of the bed, I brought her legs in front of her. Making her fall to the ground.

I got on top and started punching, slapping, everything. This bitch must've had another thing in mind to put her hands on me.

"You was Fucking my man! Get the fuck off me, you Fucking thot ". I kept hitting her, the more this bitch kept talking the heavier these hits was gonna be.

Chris finally came and pulled me off of her.

" Are you fucking crazy, Paris! ". I slapped the shit outta him, he gives me a strong glare.

As though he wasn't the same Chris, from last night especially he stares intensely at me. He dosent hit me, but I could tell he had the urge to.

Instead he tries to comfort Chasity, who pushes him away. I grab my clothes and get dressed right in front of the two.

Chris follows me down the stairs, and to the door. As I reached for the knob, he grabbed my wrist.

"Who the fuck was the Spanish nigga from last night?? Huh! ", he says strongly. Spit lands on the side of my face.

" My ex pimp ", I gritted through my teeth. Slowly turning my head towards Chris, he shook his in disbelief.

" Well let that nigga know I'm coming to kill him. He had no Fucking right to tell my girl about who I SLIDE my dick into ". I laugh at his remark

" What the fuck is so funny ", his grip tightens.

" Two things. One : Tio is doing this to get back at me. He wants to take me back with him, kill me even. Two : be careful what you say, as you can see he is basically Fucking EVERYWHERE". I yell as though he had cameras somewhere.

I release myself from his grip, and walk to the car. Another note sat besides me.

Are you tired of Fucking yet?
Don't tap out so fast, mija
Tio hasn't even come yet

I crumpled the letter and threw it outside of the window. All you could hear was the sound of my car horn. I rested my head against the wheel.

Glass landed on the side of my face and lap. Chasity done busted my car window.

"Get the fuck out the car! ", she says welding a tire iron.

First the bed, now the car. Damm this bitch is strong. Blood was leaking down her chin, and everything.

And she still wanted another round?

Now I see why Chris fuck with her. She got spine...

I open the door and tell that bitch to throw her hands. Chris, right in que, steps in-between us and parts us away from each other.

"Chas, you gotta listen to me-"


This weak bitch done hit him in his jaw with it. I guess not hard enough, cause he took it from her hand and hit her ass back.

With his hand tho.

She fell unconsciously to the ground, sprawled out.

He stood over her, like he was contemplating or something.

" We gotta go to your place ", he says picking her up and putting her in the back seat.

" Ummm that bitch can kindly stay on her front porch. She ain't getting in my car Chris ".

He ignored me ran into the house and got some cloth. Hitting them against the Seat full of glass, to avoid touching it.

" Get in the car Paris", at first my stubborn ass ain't do it. Then he started the car and backed up.

" Okay, okay. But we can't go there it's not safe ".

"Well find somewhere". His jaw tick as he got on the highway. chest exposed, wearing nothing but sweats.

"Breanna, girl. We in some deep shit. I need to come over, is diamond with you? Tell her to start telling you everything about Tio. Girl just do it, we be there in less than thirty minutes. Bye ".

I start chewing my lip, wondering about all the crazy shit that's happening. What if he really does wanna kill me.

" Now. I'ma need you to tell me about this nigga... Tio yo'self".

"When I was sixteen, I went to live with my Uncle... Tio.. And-"

"Wait, don't Tio mean uncle in Spanish?? ". I laugh a little.

" Yeah but shh... Anyways I went to live with him because my mother wasn't... Stable "

" I thought you said your mother died.. My nigga what else I don't know about you! I mean for all I know your name ain't even Paris. It's probably Maria or Destiny or some shit! "

" can you shut the fuck up and let me finish?? ", I finally huff. This nigga couldn't save his questions for later.

He sat quietly and drove faster.

" so yeah.. She wasn't stable.. Now Tio wasn't by blood, he married my Aunt Tina. Who he had killed but at the time, I wasn't aware. I just knew she, 'disappeared'. And so I learned he was a pimp, Coco dealer, and nympho all in one. We didn't start anything till I was old enough. That's when I started cutting for him. I wasn't allowed to leave the house at all.. No friends, no nothing. Only the prostitutes. And Diamond, whose mom was a prostitute herself. That's when Tio started sleeping around with other women, in front of me too. So I wanted a way out. Some of the girls would give me their highest paying client, and I'd get paid outta the ass for Fucking 'em. Or I'd just cut for him. I saved enough, grabbed Diamond and we ran away... Apparently, not far enough".

I looked into Chris's face in search of some emotion but found none. In seemed it was all just hitting him.

He looked back to check on Chas, who was still knocked out.

"Why didn't you tell me? ". His eyes finally met mine.

" Because... I wanted to start over. I didn't want anything to do with my past ". He looked at me for a very long time. Then finally, kissed my lips.

" Whether you my girl, side bitch, or if your real name is Paris, ima still protect you ".

My heart fluttered, as If none of what is happening mattered.

" You promise? ".

" Yeah Paris, I promise"

To be continued...

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