Side Chick: Paris's Story

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Part Twelve

"Uncle Tio", he stood before me with those same pretty eyes. This man I both hated and loved for exposing me to the game. I loved for turning me into a woman.

His woman.

I slide swiftly out of the stall and wash my hands. He laughs, he still maintained that deep voice.

"What? You thought I was gonna forget your twenty second ? You used to beg me to throw you a huge party for your twenty second. In memory of Tia Tin-"

My aunt was nearly twenty three years old when she disappeared. No one knows where to or how, but she just did. I know for a fact he had something to do with it though.

"Stop ", I say this time holding the knife to his throat. He still was smirking, and it made me release my grip.

" You killed her, you have no right to bless her ", my finger pressing against the bottom of it he waved his hands as though to say

" Ok "

" Why are you even here in the first place? ", it was only a few years since I ran away from the place I thought was home.

A few years since I lost my virginity, cut dope, and tricked.

Something I never plan on doing in my lifetime.

" I didn't mean to, you know... ". He says humbly, wrapping his arms around me and laying on my shoulder.

I missed his touch.

Part Twelve
Ten Crack Commandments

I've been in this game for years
It made me a animal
There's rules to this shit
I made me a manual
A step by step booklet for you to get it..

" Paris, I know you're not sleeping around with that Gringo ", uncle tio says. It's been almost three years since I moved here.

Still not one word, letter or call from my mother. Not even to see if I'm okay.

" No of course not Tio, he's too old and I'm too young ".

" Ahh, pretty girl. In Caleefornya (how he pronounced California), age is just a number ", he nudges my cheek and opens a cabinet door.

In his hand he hand a duct taped package filled with "Coco"

" Promise me something, Paris ", he says drawing a knife and cutting part of it.

" Yes Uncle - ", I watch in awe as he sniffed the stuff and said

" Don't ever do drugs ".

He inhaled through his nose deeply and laughed. His shirt was off, his black water shorts exposing his V.

" Good! ", now let's go shopping., hit the movie room, something.

Shopping meant that a bunch of Maids would go and buy clothes, the new trendiest fashions, and bring them home. For me.... To try on.

I was never allowed to leave the house unless it was to go to the pool, or beach.

"Sure Tio, I Need some shorts, regular white tees, underwear. Oh and Bras especially. I'll ask Emma where they are". I walked off to find her.

Emma was the woman who first greeted me, cooked my first meal here, showed me the Ropes . Even taught me what really went on around here.

Drugs and prostitution

"Emma!!", I found her by the corner of the kitchen cooking baked macaroni. For a women who was only in thirties, she looked good.

Her hands however was rough full of scars

"Have you seen the new clothes Tio brought for me". I loved playing with her long blonde hair, it reached just below her butt.

"I just had one of the girls put them in your room". She puts the uncooked macaroni inside of the pan. I usually watch her as she does this.

So when I got older and got my own home, if I ever will, I would be able to cook my own food.

The thought of me having my own house felt nearly impossible. I doubt Uncle Tio would allow me to do so.

"So I heard someone's birthday is coming up!", I was born on Halloween. It would always get hectic here at home, at this time around.

"Like a blessing and a curse ", my mother told me she said when she first saw me. She was always superstitious .

" Yess, finally turning nineteen in three days ", I couldn't wait. I could drink, however my uncle already allowed me to. Maybe even drive, I doubt he would though.

" Do you know what you want? ", she chuckles. The wrinkles from her age, on her forehead, were starting to show.

" Not really, I have everything I could ever want right here. You, and Tio that's all I need".

She smiled and kissed my head.

"Go and tell the girls to get ready, dinners almost done, and soon after the clients will be here".

"OK ", I enjoyed doing so. They would always say a few words of wisdom, or tell me about their tricks, and other wild stories. These women really found this place to be home.

Even under the day by day minimum abuse that occurs.

" And girl let me tell you what he asked me to do, last weekend ", says Vicky, our only black escort. She had the prettiest shade of green eyes, her skin a hefty but smooth brown color.

" Hey Mamita ", she says smiling at me. Motioning me to join the group. They had all shared a large room, which they called the" ready room".

They did hair, makeup, you name it in here. I sit between Susie, and G'na. Two Russian but already fluent in English women.

"So as I was saying, last weekend, he put it  on me all day.Girl I never knew bondage would feel so good. I mean, the only time a sister been cuffed was when she was working the corners. And NOT in a good way, okay?", everyone laughs. She side fives G'na & snaps her fingers afterwards.

"Now Mamita what brings you here into all this grown up talk? ".

" Emma told me to tell you guys to get ready, the Johns will soon be here. And I am not a little girl no more", snapping my fingers I twist my hips.


They laugh and split into their desks, filled with all possible trendy makeups out there.

"Mamita, come here ", Vicky calls from in front of the bathroom.

" Here, help me fix this bandeau ", she wore tight neon blue underwear that exposed her lips.

After doing so, she hands me a wad of Hundreds . I push it forward and shake my head no, but she squeezes both of my hands together upon it.

" Mamita, someday I will be gone gone gone girl. But after I'm gone, I want you to leave too", and with that she walked away.

I felt bad accepting the money, due to the fact I know the things she went through to get it. Vicky could fool anyone else with the "I'm Happy About What I Do, And Why I'm doing It" act.

But not me. I know she was struggling to break free, move away. But with the doe she was making, you'd doubt she would wanna leave.

Let alone uncle Tio letting her leave.

I left their room and went back to mines. The only thing that could be heard, was the waves crashing. Or a bunch of boys playing around in the sand.

I remember dreaming about me playing with them too. Being free, having fun, being teenager..

Now I stop dreaming, because I know what was most needed and important.


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