Side Chick: Paris's Story

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Part Sixteen
Keep it real with yo dogs no matter what
Same bitch that claim she love you, she'll set you up
Out here in these streets, there aint no such thang as love
The only thing I trust is this pistol and these slugs

"So when are you coming back home with me ", Odell says in my ear. The party was over, and everyone was headed home.

" Soon", I eye Chris, as he starts kissing Chasity. As soon as he caught my gaze, he started to stick his tongue in her mouth.

Grabbing the back of Odells head, I do the same, smiling at Chris.

"Mmm, soon ain't enough forreal ". I pull away, but poke his lips with my tongue.

" Maybe you should stay then". I say loud enough for Chris to hear.

"Naah, I gotta get back for finals. But when i'm done, ima comeback for you", he pulls away and looks deep into my eyes.

Nodding his head, he laughs, "I promise". I walk him out the club and into his car, holding hands searching for warmth and comfort.

Cause im sure gonna need it

As he got in, we rested our foreheads together. Laughing, even though nothing was funny. He kissed me one last time, reassuring that he wont forget me, and will back.

"I never break my promises, never". His smile was so god damn beautiful. Starting the car, he smiles one last time and drives off. My heart never felt so warm, until now.

"Need a ride, Doll?". I hear Uncle Tio say beside me. Pointing towards his car, insisting I go with him.

All the warmth that lit in my heart, was all gone now.

"No, I got my own car". I point to my Range, an quickly shuffle towards it. Balling my fist, I stuck my key out in-between two of my fingers. Just in case he decided to get ballsy, and try something.

Getting in, I lock all four doors, looking for him outside. Before I pull out of the space I realize there was a small paper in my passengers seat. My heart got colder.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Soon it'll be I

Who you'll be fucking too

I'm starting to realize, this could be a fatal beginning, to my very own end.

Throwing the paper out the window, I notice Tio also getting into his car. In my glove compartment, I kept a silver .380. Sooner or later I knew I'd have to use it, I guess that later is now sooner than I thought.

While on the highway, I texted Chasity and asked to stay over. I didn't care what Chris was going to say.

Home was way too dangerous to go back to now.

I never had a Plan B for this situation, but for this one I'm sure gonna need to brainstorm.

Part Seventeen
King of the Fall
Fuck your new man, I'ma break it up

He can come back when I go on the road

But that pussy mine for the next three months

'Cause the kid back, kid back, kid back

Cop ten whips for my niggas when we land

"Diamond, you ready?", I whisper to her giving her the signal to leave her room. I packed a bag full of cash. Over a hunned-thous . It wasn't much for the both of us, but I earned it working the hardest I ever did.

It was a start. Start for our new lives especially

"Yeah, I got our clothes. Meet me outside in ten, I called a cab". Tio was gone on a trip, with one of his other whores. I didn't care, or mind, I was done with this.

This life.

This everything.

"Copy". I went back into our, well now Tio's, room and left a note on the bed.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You took me for granted

So fuck you

It was corny, but I didn't care. I didn't wanna waste any time or words, describing and saying my true feelings. I dug through his dresser-draws and found a silver gun. Placing that into the bag, also another 25 grand.

Not like he was gonna need it anyways.

On the dresser was a picture of me, him, Emma, Diamond, and the rest of the staff and workers. All smiling and happy. Now look where we are. Emma's "disappeared", after trying to get us out. Half of the staff look at each-other more of and as co-workers than family. And Tio? He was just the warden in this prison.

But me and Diamond refused to stay and be his prisoners. Pretend as though everything was fine and ok when it wasn't.

My phone rang, it was Diamond.


"PARIS HE'S BACK HE'S HEADED BACK INSIDE THE HOUSE". My heart dropped, but I picked up the duffel bag and ran to the balcony. Looking down, I see him laughing and playing with Blondie. Just like he did me, I felt a tinge of Jealousy.

Then I realized what type of person he was, and what he does, she can have him.

I didn't like leftovers anyways.

Throwing the duffel bag onto the lower roof of the house, I climb over the balcony gate. I decided to wait until he came into the room and read the letter.

As the door knob turned my heart raced on, so loudly I was sure they could hear it too. Tio kisses her as they walk through the door, and throws her on the bed.

"Wait, wait", he picks up the note and reads it . I watch maybe one, no two veins pop out of his neck. Giving out a shriek of laughter, as he turned red.

His eyes met mine and I gave him a last smile, dropping down from the balcony.

Throwing the duffel bag into Diamonds arms, I open the taxi doors.

"Lets go, Let go! He's coming!". I rush the driver. As the taxi sped off, I stick my head out the window and laugh as Tio tried to run after the taxi. His attempt was futile.

High-fiving Diamond, I let out a breath of air.

"Girl, we did it!". I never seen a smile that wide on her face. I sigh again, smiling so hard I thought my cheeks would burst.

"Yes we did"

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