Vacations and Australia

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Percy's POV

I kissed Annabeth one, last, time, before pulling away. I leaned my forehead against hers and stared into her striking grey eyes.
"I love you, Wise Girl. Stay safe." I murmured against her forehead.

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain. Come back to me soon." She whispered the last part a little tearfully. After Tartarus, we haven't been apart for a day. That was about to change.

I took one last, longing look at Annabeth and walked up the gang plank of the giant cruise ship. I wasn't too keen on it due to Luke's monster cruise ship, but how else was I supposed to get to Australia? I couldn't fly. That was a big no no. Even after 2 wars in which me and my other friends saved their godly butts, Zeus STILL didn't trust me. Oh well. I walked over to my Mom and Paul who stood right next to the railing. I was sure they had watched my tearful farewell to Annabeth but said nothing about it. My mom, being the good person she is, hugged me comfortingly. I sank gratefully into the warmth and closed my eyes.


A week later, I stood again at the railing and looked out over the bay of Australia. (I have no idea of there is a Bay of Australia but I'm making stuff up here. Idk if it's true.) Due to my powers as the son of Poseidon, I could tell we were 3 nautical miles off the coast. It would take around 15 minutes for the ship to get there. (Again, making stuff up.) I sighed and breathed in the sea air. I gazed out across the waves of my dad's domain. Suddenly, my eyes were drawn to 4 streaks of orange zooming across the water and I swear they were mermaid tails. Still gazing after the fish tails, I jumped when a hand gripped my shoulder. I spun around, pulling out Riptide and I had my sword at his neck before he could even blink.

"Uhhh.... Percy? Do you mind getting Riptide away from my throat?" Oh. It was only Paul.

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly and capped Riptide again stowing it back into my pocket. He nodded once understandingly then said,

"We'll be there soon. Sally wants you to get ready."

Emma's POV
We, I mean, Cleo, Rikki, Bella, and I pulled our self out of the waves and up the beach to where Lewis was waiting. He threw us some towels and I rubbed them over the tail. Rikki, once tail less, walked around heating the water off.

"Thanks." I said and stood up. "Hey, Bella, want some water?" I asked her. Over the 5 months that I'd been back from my trip around the world, Bella and I had become really good friends. Almost closer than Rikki, Cleo, and I. I handed her the water bottle and listened Louis.

"-25.13 minutes! That was eight times around the whole continent! At this rate, you can swim straight across the world to America and it'll only take you a few hours!" He exclaimed in his happy scientist voice. We were all shocked at his words though. "wow" was all we could say. Suddenly, a loud blaring noise echoed across the bay. A huge cruise ship was at the dock and letting out passengers.

"Oh, I wish they wouldn't do that." Cleo moaned. "It bothers the fish!"

"Oh, it's just a sound. It wouldn't hurt them." Rikki argued back. I blocked out the sound of their argument and instead turned to Bella. I was sooo glad I had someone responsible to talk to.

"So, Cleo's uncle is coming over with his wife and step son?" I asked initiating the conversation.

"Yep. We're going over Wednesday to meet them." She answered back, still absentmindedly staring at the ocean.

"Look, sorry Emms but I've got to meet Will. Bye!" Bella said hurriedly and rushed off. I sighed and turned back to Cleo and Rikki who were still arguing. Lewis was packing his equipment up and not paying the slightest attention.

"Will you three hurry up and stop arguing!?" I growled irritated.

That's the first chapter guys.. Kinda bad ending but I swear it will get more interesting. Like I said in the description, I do not own the characters in this story. Rick Riordan and Jonathan M. Shiff do. I only own the plot. So NO COPYING!! Hehe. That's done now. So if you like the story so far, comment and vote!! *hint hint. XD.
Cover made by Potterhead_Harmione!! Thank you!
P.S. I'd also appreciate it if you check out my
PJ/HP crossover, WE ARE A LEGEND. Thx!!


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