I can't believe it.

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Cleo's POV

I couldn't believe it. I can't believe it.

He was dead.


My cousin, hero of Olympus, savior of Olympus, son of Poseidon, had just died.

The four of us Australians stood back as Percy's devastated friends surged forward. Frank and Hazel stood near us and both were crying openly into each others sides. Frank was hugging Hazel tightly as she buried her tearful face into his shoulder as his own tears fell like a river. Thalia and Nico were in the front, Nico trying to restrain Thalia. She sobbed over Percy's broken and battered body and punched his chest repeatedly with her fist as if doing that would bring him back. Nico was paler than usual and ashen faced. Annabeth was struggling in Athena's arms, kicking and clawing to get back to Percy. Poseidon was also being restrained by his brothers who were straining to keep him back. I guess they were hoping to calm him down as was Athena but it wasn't working. Poseidon's trident flew into his hands and he swung it around and two shoots of water flew out of the points and connected with Hades and Zeus. They flew back a good few feet, Poseidon's unbridled sadness and rage overpowering their own godly strength. The rest of the gods and goddesses were mourning in their thrones while some went around comforting their children.

Poseidon bent to his knees and pulled his son's body into his arms. I looked away and started crying too, I had just met my cousin and now he was gone. Gone.

Bella and Rikki tried to comfort a distraught Emma through their own sadness. "He-he saved me in the cave! And I never got to thank him!" I sat down and pulled her close to me.

"I never got to know him that well." I whispered.

Poseidon suddenly gasped. "I can feel a pulse!" His previously broken voice was filled with hope. Annabeth scrambled out of her mother's arms. She dropped to her knees next to Percy and placed her fingers on his carotid artery. Her eyes filled with hopeful tears.

"Apollo!" Apollo scurried across the room and checked Percy's pulse too. "He's breathing. He's still alive!"

"But... How is that possible?" Jason asked. "I mean, I'm not complaining."

"It must have been the Fates." Athena said. "They can choose to save a hero's life every thousand years or so if they think he is worthy." We all muttered,

"He's worthy all right."

"Guys, he's waking up!" Annabeth yelled. We waited with bated breath. Annabeth leaned over him and I saw his eye lids flutter slightly. Percy opened his eyes finally, those beautiful green eyes.

"Annabeth." He breathed reaching up to stroke her face.

"Oh, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth kissed Percy's lips slowly but passionately while all of us girls cooed, Aphrodite and Piper being the loudest. They broke apart. Then Annabeth smacked his face. "Don't ever die again!"

"Yes ma'am." Percy's lips quirked up into a smile his eyes shining with laughter and mirth. He sat up and Poseidon and Annabeth helped him up. "Hey guys, miss me?" Piper and Hazel reached him first and punched his arm. Then they both hugged him. We laughed and we all started to cheer rushing forwards to greet him. We started to party with the gods, even they were relieved to see Percy alive and well. Mostly.

A quiet hush descended on the crowd. They all seemed to be staring at a spot at the center of the room.

Thalia and Nico were wrapped around each other kissing. For a good minute, everyone was staring at the couple. Zeus and Hades stood slack-jawed at their children. Jason also stared with an almost horrified expression at Nico kissing his sister. Piper was beaming happily. When they finally broke apart, they were breathing heavily, their faces flushed. The long silence was broken by Leo who just had to say it.

"THALICO!" We all groaned at him. Thalia flashing him a murderous stare. Jason had rushed forward and dragged Nico away, they seemed to be arguing.

Percy still sat on his hospital bed clutching at Annabeth's hand with the biggest grin on his face. The four of us walked forward to greet him.

"PERCY!" Emma cried and flung herself at him. "Thank you so so much for saving me!" She broke down and cried. Percy removed his hand from Annabeth and rubbed her back.

"Hey, its fine, Emma. In fact, I should be thanking all of you for saving me."

"Of course it was the least we could do, cus." I said, Bella and Rikki smiled and nodded too.

Emma pulled back and shot a guilty look at Annabeth though the daughter of Athena only smiled and shook her head understandingly.

"You know, the only thing I don't understand is how all your injuries were cured." Rikki said.

"I think that when the Fates saved Percy they healed all his injuries, the only thing left are the scars." Annabeth ran her fingers gently over a faint scar on his face. Percy batted her fingers away.

"Let's just go enjoy ourselves," Percy suggested and dragged us all to the dance floor. We spent the next few hours dancing to the songs played by the Nine Muses. It seemed that whatever we wanted to hear, we would hear it. I seemed to be hearing a quiet playful little tune that seemed a little sad, but mostly happy.

Thalia was trying to get Nico to dance with her unsuccessfully while Jason, Piper, and Leo were ripping up the dance floor. Frank was teaching Hazel some modern dance moves which was amusing to watch. The four of us were dancing with Percy and Annabeth. While some of the gods had flashed away the rest were dancing along with the demigods. Dionysus lay drunkenly on his throne still swigging wine. We partied late into the night, just enjoying ourselves and feeling at peace.

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