Thalico Moment

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Nico's POV

I stared out over the grayish blue waves. Silvery moonlight dappled the unhealthy sea. "Poseidon took Percy's disappearance really hard," I thought sadly. "Hades probably wouldn't care at all," I thought bitterly. "No one cared except Bianca and Hazel. And Bianca was dead. Hazel had Frank. I had no one."

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I resumed my careful watch over the Argo 2. By dawn, we would reach the Sea of Monsters. Below deck, The remaining Seven, the Mermaids, and Poseidon were sleeping fitfully. I could hear the sound of their snores and shuffling around.

As the hours past, I thought more about my past, trying to remember my Mother and Bianca. And the feeling of belonging.

At around midnight, the ship started to rock and the winds rattled the masts. I held the railing tightly, scared of being thrown into the sea. After my near death experience in the Moon Pool, I didn't even want to touch the stuff again. Storm clouds gathered overhead. I swallowed nervously. It looked like venti. I started toward the door leading below deck. The winds whipped me back. I flew a good five feet into the wall. A flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder later, a dark figure appeared on deck.

I looked up wearily. That fall had really hurt. The stranger was female and she stood against the wind, not moving an inch. A 6 foot long spear crackled with electricity. Short black hair whipped around her. Another flash of lightning revealed her face.

"Thalia!?" I shouted against the wind.

"The one and only." She replied grinning. In an instant, the winds died and the storm cleared leaving her standing in the middle of the deck. Festus blew a stream of fire at her annoyed. Thalia jumped out of the way. "Jeez, sorry, Happy the Dragon!" She walked over to me and helped me up from where I was still lying stunned.

"What? Death Breath, did you hit your head too hard or something?" She said.

"Or something," I mocked her. She punched my arm lightly.

"I missed you." She gave me a hug. Her body shivered slightly as if she was suppressing something. Finally she cracked. Sobs shook her body as she buried her face into my shoulder. Since she was a few inches taller, it was awkward. Plus, I had NO idea how to comfort other human beings, especially since this human being was a daughter of Zeus and the Lieutenant of Artemis. But then again, she was my cousin.

I patted her back. "Shh.... Thals. It's okay. It's okay."

"No! I-Its not!" She cried harder, gripping my shoulders.

"What's wrong then?"

"P-Percy. He's been through so much! The the Titan War, the Giant war, T-T-Tartarus! Now this! He doesn't deserve this fate Nico. No one does. But its happening anyway. I feel horrible!" I held her as she cried. Truth be told, I felt the same. I don't even know how Percy was still sane after all he went through. But then again, maybe he's not.

"Thalia. I know how you feel. I feel it. Everyone feels it. That's why we're going to rescue him now. Okay? We just gotta do our part to help." I whispered comfortingly. After a few more minutes, she stepped away.

"O-One word, DiAngelo. One word." She warned me still sniffling. Her electric blue eyes were a storm of emotion and I found myself staring into the storm. Admiring the beauty, the fire in her eyes, and the danger. I blushed a bit and looked away.

"Not one word." I promised. We stood still enjoying the company of the other. I took the time to study her carefully. Thalia still had the same black hair, except it was a bit longer. It was at her shoulders now. Same punk style clothes, weapons, and eyes. Yet, something was missing. Something crucial.

"Thalia.... Where's your Silver Circlet?" I asked curiously. The silver circle usually found sitting on her head was gone. The circle that marked she was Artemis' Lieutenant. I didn't see her hunters' bow either. But that would mean...

She turned away and faced the sea. For a few moments she looked forlornly at the waves. Finally, she spoke.

"I gave it up. To Atalanta." (Remember Phoebe died.)

"What? Why!?" I asked.

"I-I... It was for someone." She turned toward me. Her next words shocked me to the very core.

"It was for you."

I stood there incredulously. She gave up partial immortality.... For me? She looked at me dead in the eyes. Again, her eyes swirled like an electric storm. Except this time, instead of sorrow and pain for our cousin, it was love and affection for me.

I stepped back. "Thalia, I-I have to tell you something. I'm bisexual. And I had.... A crush on Percy." I mumbled the last part. Thalia took a step back betrayal flaring in those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Lady Artemis was right. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have trusted you." She turned away.

"Thalia, wait you didn't let me-" I reached toward her but before I could reach her, lightning blasted me back. I flew into the mast and slid down it, groaning painfully. Thalia stalked away. After the Giant War, Jason had taught her to harness the winds and now she wasn't afraid of heights. Before she could fly away however, I stood and ran toward her.

"Thalia! Please! Just hear me out." She stood still, with her back to me but she didn't fly away.

"What I wanted to say was that... I realize that I've had a crush on the wrong person all these years. I like you, Thals. I love you." I told her shakily. I took her hand and entwined our fingers. Slowly she turned towards me.

"Oh, Nico."

The next moment, we were kissing. I felt like I had drank 10 cups of coffee and lightning was coursing through my veins. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact I was kissing the Daughter of Zeus. Our bodies entwined perfectly and even though she was taller, it wasn't awkward. Not anymore.

I heard a quiet squeal behind us. Thalia and I broke apart quickly, leaping away from each other. Behind us stood Piper, her hands over her mouth. "Sorry." She whispered and backed away slowly as we both glared angrily at her. She yelped and ran away as we both took a step forward. Thalia and I locked eyes and started heaving with laughter.

"Did you- did you see her face!?" I gasped.

"Hilarious!" Thalia replied laughing.

Finally we stopped laughing and wiped away our tears, still giggling. We straightened up, worry etching our features.

"Do you think she'll tell?" Thalia asked.

"I don't know Thals. I don't know." I sighed, dreading tomorrow.

Okay.... Late update but whatev. Soo.... Do you like it? I would like to give a shoutout to @Bloodrose1257 and @__AnnabethChase__ for being the ONLY two people who commented. Thanks guys! Hope u like it! :)

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