Clue #1

465 21 6

Tobias POV

The scavenger hunt that Christina and I have planned for Tris is perfect. It's the perfect distraction to keep me from obsessing over having to see and confront Marcus soon. And, it's the perfection form of amusement for me to watch Tris have some long overdue fun. I just hope that I can withstand all of the questions she has for me as she tries to figure out what we are really up to. She can be relentless and I'm just waiting, hoping really, for her to try to influence me with feminine temptation. I'll willingly give in to seduction, but I'm determined not to spoil the surprise for her. She has figured out that she needs to see Christina for the first clue so we are waiting for her in the Cafeteria. Since Christina started her new job at the Employment Department it takes her a while to commute back to the Dauntless compound. She still lives here and identifies herself as Dauntless; we all probably do. The war and the time spent outside the fence bonded us together in a way that's difficult to explain to others. 

Tara is the sweetest little girl and I know she misses her mother; she whimpers and cries out for her in her sleep. It breaks our hearts but we try to comfort her as best as we can. I love watching Tara and Tris together; they giggle and cuddle. Tris has natural motherly instincts; I knew she would. She says I have natural instincts too. I'll admit I do love her and feel protective of her. I only hope I don't turn into the monster that my father was when I was growing up.

"When is she coming?" Tris asks.

"She'll be here," I laugh. "Someone is impatient."

"Ya, ya, ya. Now go get us a grilled cheese please," she says with a smile.

"It will cost you?" I say. "A kiss." I lean over to kiss her cheek and I can't help but give in to those gray piercing eyes so I get up to gather the cravings of the day. As I walk away I see Uriah, Zeke, Peter and our other friends gathering around our table. I catch a glimpse of Shauna too, wheeling herself to our table. She's been working as our secretary here in Dauntless. She says it gives her something to do. I think what she means is that it gives her more time to keep an eye on Zeke. Cara and Caleb couldn't' make it today. They are all aware of my plans and have agreed to help out and keep the secret until the big reveal in a few days. I feel like a giddy teenage boy trying to impress his girlfriend. But, Tris is no ordinary girl. She's been through so much and has matured beyond her years. I can say the same for myself. The trappings a 'normal' nineteen year old male find appealing do not interest me. I want stability and a relationship, a family. I crave the emotional closeness and companionship of Tris. She's what makes me happy, whole, human.

I return with our tray of food.

"Here's food for my girls," I say. Tris takes one sandwich and tears it into tiny pieces for Tara to eat. And she does. She picks up a tiny piece with her chubby baby fingers and pushes it into her mouth and her rosy cheeks begin to move as she chews. She looks like a chipmunk.

"How'd it go this morning?" Tris asks Zeke and Peter.

"We went down to one of the Factionless houses with boxes of donuts and put the word out that we were looking for our friend. They thought they knew where he was and that they'd have him there by Thursday. If it works out, he'll be our guest for a couple of days and then we'll take him to Candor on Monday," relates Zeke

"We promised them a big Dauntless cake if they had him there on Thursday when we show up," Peter replies. "That seemed to perk them up."

"Let me know when he's here Zeke," I don't want any run-ins with him if you know what I mean," I inform.

"No worries dude. We've already made reservations for him at Jail Cell Hotel. They're expecting him," Shauna responds.

"I know him. He will not come willingly, especially if he knows what's at stake," I state as I nod my head towards Tara. "And, he will use his reputation as a former outstanding member and leader of Abnegation to manipulate people into thinking he's a good guy."

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