New Memory

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Tris POV

"Thanks for coming with me Christina," I state to my friend.

"Thanks for bringing me. I can't wait to get my first look at little Four or little Tris!" Christina squeels.

We walk side by side to the Infirmary with Tara on my hip. Madison agreed to do an ultrasound to check on the baby and that's where we are headed now. I'm hoping that Tobias will make it in time but I'm sure this will not be our last look at the baby before he or she is born. I waver between nervous anticipation and fear at the fact that I will be bringing a new life into this world. I've taken care of plenty of Abnegation babies before but have never been entrusted to their care for more than a few hours at a time. I'm not certain that I'm up for the challenge especially now that we are caring for Tara. But this is my life and sometimes you just have to live it with blind faith; faith in yourself and faith in your loved ones. I have faith in Tobias.

Madison greet us in the Infirmary and leads us to an exam room.

"Hey girls," Madison states. "How are you guys today?"

Christina sports a huge smile and is the first to answer. "I'm great. I'm excited to get the first glimpse of my niece or nephew."

"I'm good. No throwing up lately, so, that's good. I'm tired but I guess that's expected."

"How is little Miss Tara doing?" Madison asks as she pats Tara's head.

Tara squeals in delight and says, "Fo!"

"He's coming baby girl. He's coming," I tell her.

"Sounds like Fo has an admirer or two," Madison winks my way.

"She is a mini Tobias," I state with a laugh. "And she loves him."

Madison motions for me to sit on the exam table as she pushes the ultrasound machine closer.

"How is Tobias doing with all this? Is he excited to be a daddy?" Madison asks.

"Daddy?" Tara asks as she clutches on to me tighter and buries her head in my neck. Fear is evident in her voice.

"No. Baby girl. It's okay. Fo is going to be a daddy," I take her tiny hand and pat my belly.

"Fo daddy?" She asks as she releases her hold on me just a bit.

"Yes Tara. Fo daddy," I say as I smile.

As the words leave my mouth a knock is heard at the door before being opened by Tobias with Sydney following. I can tell by the look on his face that his meeting with Marcus was difficult. But, when our eyes connect gentle love replaces the look of frustration. I know he'll share with me when he's ready. I understand that about him now. He bends over and places a soft kiss on my head and gives one to Tara as well.

"What?" Christina asks. "No kiss for me?"

"Hey Chris," Tobias states. "You here for the show too?" He chuckles.

"You better believe it mister," she responds as she playfully punches his arm.

"Fo daddy!" Tara screaches. "Fo daddy!"

"Come here baby girl," Tobias says as he lifts Tara into his arms.

"She may be a bit confused about the daddy thing. I was trying to tell her that you were going to be the daddy of this baby," I say as I point to my abdomen.

"It's just fine," Tobias replies. "I've been called much worse. I'm not going to make a big deal about it."

"Can you lie back for me Tris?" Madison asks sweetly. I comply and lift my shirt revealing my baby bump. She squirts some blue gel on my abdomen and uses the wand to locate the baby. She then proceeds to take some measurements. "It looks like you are about 10 weeks along."

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