Chapter 23- The hospital

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I'm so fucking sorry!!! its just i lost the password for the account so i couldn't update anything, plus i had writers block. But don't worry i got new ideas so please stay with me and be patient. pwease!


Black, that's all I saw.


I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. They were too heavy.

Neither I could hear a thing the only sound was this constant numbing sound on my ears.

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz

It would occasionally be stronger. But that's all I could hear.

For what I know no one has come to visit me. In, witch I suspect, is my hospital room. Tho probably they have just that I can't really see them or hear them.

I also don't know how long I've been here for. Probably just some days.

Suddenly I hear mumbling. Then it becomes louder until I can hear words.

"It's been too long, we have to disconnect her. There's nothing we can do" said a man.

Disconnect? Disconnect who?

Then there was some loud sobbing.

"No,no,no! You can't just do that!" Said a new voice. I could recognise it anywhere.


I seriously tried to open my eyes as hard as I could. But they wouldn't open. I tried moving my body but I don't really think it worked.

I hear footsteps coming closer. Someone took my hand and kissed it softly. I could feel years falling on it.

Wait FEEL! Maybe I'm close to waking up!

"Baby, don't leave me please open your eyes. Please open them" IT WAS JUSTIN!

I kept trying. His crying got louder. His grip on my hand tightened.

Suddenly I did it. BOOM! My eyes were opening slowly but they were. I totally feel like dancing right now.

"J-J-Justin" my voice was barely above a whisper and it sounded hoarse and weak.

I searched around the room for him with my eyes because I still couldn't move.

Finally my eyes landed on his face.

He was still holding my hand. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. Tears were falling from his eyes. And honestly he looked like shit.

His eyes lit up when he saw mine.

"Oh gosh, thank God you are awake babe" he smiled at me and cleaned the tears from his eyes. "I was so worried. I thought I had lost you"

He got closer to give me a soft, gentle, loving kiss on the lips.

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