The spirit from inside.

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I woke suddenly, still groggy from sleep. I blinked a few times and tried to adjust to my surroundings but it was all black, no light anywhere. I looked from side to side but there was nothing but darkness and space around me. I felt no breeze and heard no sound. I tried taking a step forward but my body didn't cooperate and I fell once again to a heap on the floor. I felt my head smack into the cold ground.

I waited a few minutes and waited for the pain to subside. This time, more awake I noticed that I hadn't been standing at all, rather crawling, on my hands and feet. I tried to raise my hand to feel my face but I couldn't figure out how, it's like someone had giving me all new body parts and I had no clue how to use them.

"Be still little one." Came the calm voice inside my head, but I could feel a panic setting in. "The more you treat this body like your human body the less it will work." The voice tried once more to calm me. "This body?" I mentally screamed back. "Yes Little one. Be calm, soon you will be able to see your marvellous transformation." She hushed me in a soothing and familiar tone.

I gave up trying to stand and just fell into a heap on the floor.
Instead of feeling dirt, or concrete, I felt fur. The fur felt attached to me, like I was wearing a fur coat inside out. I began to panic remembering the pain, what had they done to me? I quickly calmed myself, the voice was right. Panicking won't do me any good right now. I am in a body that I don't know how to control and I can't see a thing. "Of course I am right, I would not lie to you." She mused. "But who, what are you and why is this the first time I am hearing you?" I questioned her. I could almost feel her pause, as if thinking about what to say. "I do not know little one. There was something blocking me from you. I am Lianiah, I am your other half, your wolf spirit. That much I do know, I do not know everything just the knowledge we were born with. " I shook my head in disbelief before replying to her. "That is not possible. Why would a human have a wolf spirit?" I countered, pressing her for more information. "That is the thing, humans do not have wolf spirits, but you little one are not human." She paused waiting for me to reply, but I was too stunned to say anything. I had to be human, I lived among humans with two human parents, I went to school with humans. I had all the features of a human, no fur, two arms, two legs. "Last night was anything but human. You do remember that, do you not? Humans cannot bend the way that you did, or lose chunks of skin in place of fur. You my dear are of shape shifter decent. You are a werewolf and I your wolf spirit. We were born as one, we live as one and eventually we will die as one." Lianiah continued with her proud attitude shinning through.  Her words sank in and I began to feel dizzy. I could hear her trying to talk to me, her muffled voice was all I heard before my head collapsed onto the ground and that was the last thing I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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