Shh it's not my Birthday..

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I woke slowly and opened my eyes just a crack to catch the time on my bed side clock. 5:30 I beat my alarm by half an hour.

I had to blink a few times to make sure my eyes were okay. The colours seemed too vivid, like I was still in a dream. I shook my head, closed my eyes and punched my cheeks but everything stayed the same so I sat up and felt my hair. I had a massive case of bed head. I got out of bed looking around at my room, taking in the sunlight filtering in through my curtains. I hadn't noticed before how the sun catches all the shades of golden yellows in the paint of my wall I walked towards my door and cringed, my floorboards are unusually loud today, I suppose the fall air was to blame.

My shower seemed so much nicer on the skin today, everything seems to be more vivid, sensitive and eccentric. I guess having one amazing night of sleep can do wonders.

I had gotten up early enough to spend time on my makeup. I sat on my stool in front of my wall to wall mirror. I had to lean forward to make sure I wasn't seeing things.. for the past week my eyes have been changing from a hazel to a now bright, attention drawing golden-green. I gasped at the final colour, so beautiful.

After I was done marvelling at my eyes I finished my makeup. Just something simple, foundation to hide blemishes, mascara to enhance my eyes and lip balm for the cold air.  After I finished getting dressed I grabbed my hoodie from the back of my door and made my way downstairs. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart" my mom screamed or at least it seemed like she screamed, right next to my ear. My mom quickly put down the large breakfast she had made for me when she saw the look of agony on my face. I clutched the sides of my head and make ran to the medicine cub board pulling out a bottle of Tylenol and the coffee she had made for me. "Did you not sleep well honey?" She said feeling my forehead "No," I said with a smile "Just a slight headache is all." I replied but she looked skeptical "Alright." she said ushering me over to my birthday breakfast and the cards that littered the table.

It's not everyday you turn eighteen.

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