Dirt and nails

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I awoke from a strange dream of pain and confusion only to be met with more pain. My skin itched as if I became nothing more than a walking mosquito bite. I finally forced my eyes open and saw trees above me. I jerked my hand to scratch my torso and found it bound. I looked left and found that hand bound aswell. I frantically looked around for help only to find that I was alone In a dark forest. I kicked my feet and found them not only bound but, they were bound, like my hand, to stakes in the ground. I was laid in a star position, naked in the dirt. I was completely bare, exposed to the sky and any animal that wandered by. What kind of sickness, twisted plot was this. Zachary, my head throbbed, he brought me here. He must have drugged me, slipped me something to make me act out in class. That is the only thing I could think of. Only so he would have the excuse to take me away from everyone! Only he didn't take me home, or to a hospital. He took me to the forest to kill me. I've been daydreaming about a serial killer!

I started to panic. I kicked my legs and used my hands to try an find a knot. It was no use, these knots were well done. I laid still in defeat and looked up at the night sky. At least, if I die tonight I will die looking at the stars. Where has the pain gone? My body was sore from the pain and the tense muscles.

I heard movement from my left, and then from my right. Yet, all I saw was darkness. A few moments later I saw the shine of eyes in the trees. He brought me hear to be eaten by wolves? Are you kidding me! What did I ever do to him?

"He didn't bring you here to kill you, he brought you here to free you!" the voice in my head suddenly returned. "Who are you?" I thought back to her, it must be a her it sounds like a woman. "Hush now, it's starting." I looked around confusedly at the trees and started to panic. This has to be a dream. Wolves, voices in my head, dark forests it can't be real. I must have knocked my head and passed out when reaching for my pencil.

The wolves started to emerge from the trees, in front of them was an old man. He began lighting small candles in a circle around me. Odd that I had not noticed them before. One of the wolves started to creep closer to me, but it wasn't a wild or hungry look in its eyes, rather... curiosity. The wolf got mere steps from me before the man finally noticed it and snapped at it in a tongue I do not understand.  Perhaps it was English and I'm still groggy from what drug I was given.

Was this some sort of wolf cult when they drag innocent girls into the woods and sacrifice them? I started thrashing again, I have to get out! The old man placed his hand on my forehead and muttered some words barely audible "Be still my child, it will be over soon." That did anything but calm me down, they're planning to kill me and the voice inside my head had been nothing but silent! I stopped to watch as the old man started to move.

Suddenly the old man stood, arms raised to the sky and started to... chant?! Oh no this is some sort of cult! before I could start pulling once again at my bindings, my body began to convulse. Every muscle in my body felt like it was ripping. I could barely feel the tears pouring down my cheeks. I could feel my skin stretching and shrinking. I thrashed my head around looking for something, anything to help or end my life, anything to end this pain.

I looked around and felt my bindings being cut away but I could not run. A liquid was poured over me but did nothing to cool the raging inferno inside my body. I cried out but was only met with the chanting of the old man. I began to vomit everything I'd ever eaten on to the ground. How I had moved to my hands and knees I do not know. I felt my muscles and my spine begin to contort in a way I never thought possible. I couldn't see anything beyond my tears, smell anything beyond my vomit and hear anything other than the chanting.

I thought to myself "What a horrible way to die." When I thought that it couldn't get any worse it looked down to see, my skin falling around me, in chucks! I let loose more vomit at the sight. In the vomit I saw my teeth had fallen out, a mixture of vomit and blood lay before me. I looked to my shaking arms and saw that there seemed to be bloody, matted fur beneath my skin. The world seemed to spin and the pain was not fading, my back gave a final jolt upwards. As my vision began to go dark I saw the face of my Max smiling at me, and heard him whisper soothingly and telling me it will all be okay.

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