Chapter Five: Family

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Chapter Five: Family

~2 weeks later~

Living in the mountains is hard work, especially when you’re a teenage girl with two unwilling parents and a baby to boot.

My mom seemed to somewhat know what I was talking about when I explained the whole situation but she still took some extra convincing to get her to come with me, Step 1 was completed.

Step 2: the stepdad, was just about to go underway. When I looked at him across the table he laughed in my face, not believing a word. Only my mother could convince him and that night you-know-what happened. The next day, he was willing to go along with whatever my mother said. She just must be that good.

We all left on a sunny afternoon, taking bus rides until we reached our destination. We carried around little luggage and we would have to go a little old school for a while, sadly without much electronics. I kept my phone and mp3 player and cords to charge but the rest had to stay at the house, at least for the time being. Thankfully, my mother brought her laptop but we all had to share. My greedy stepdad took his sweet old time and used it for “practical purposes”, that lying bastard!

We go into the nearest town and get the cheapest food we can get, McDonalds and Sam’s food mostly, for the next few days. We sometimes decide to get hot dogs and cook them over an open campfire, which is nice. By then, my stepdad is always drunk and passed out so I get some quality time with my mom. Right now, she was the only other sensible one.

“Why the hell do you stay with him?” I asked, as quietly as I could so he wouldn’t wake up.

She sighed. “You’ll understand one day.”

I grumbled. “You always say that.”

After the hot dogs were all cooked and eaten, we slipped into our sleeping bags for another restless night. I could never sleep in the outdoors, no matter how hard I tried. The caves were always so cold and dark that all I could think about was what lurked inside them. There were all these weird noises too, keeping me up for hours on end. I would be lucky to get maybe three hours of sleep. That’s why I look like a raccoon right now with my tiny, saggy eyes.

I nuzzled into my blanket, trying to get warm and comfy. That was when I heard it, the shrilling sound of a scream in the distance. I jolted up, looking around the area. All I could see was darkness by this point and I could hear rustling in the trees and then, footsteps. Someone was coming. I crawled over to my mother, shaking her shoulder.

“Mom, someone’s coming!” I warned, keeping my voice to the bare minimum.

She nodded, looking out into the darkness. “All right, get into the caves.”

I nodded, rushing toward the area she signaled. “Wait, what about you?”

She shrugged. “I’m a mother, aren’t I? I gotta save my kids.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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