Chapter 3: Blood

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Chapter 3: Blood

I spent the next few days getting used to my new little sister. She was annoying at times but no matter what, I still loved her so much. Through every time she woke me up at three am with her crying, the diaper changes and the time I had to spend taking care of her, I loved her all the more. I couldn’t let her become like me. I had to become someone in her life that would always be there.

I had a feeling I wouldn’t be the only person, either. Amelia seemed to like Amy too, at least the few times she had seen her. That was a good thing. She would at least have two people that liked her. Two good friends she could grow up with.

I haven’t been at school for the past few days due to some illness I caught. I just stay at home reading books and taking care of Amy. The only real pastimes I have are reading and writing, which are the main subjects I’m good at in school. I’ve always wanted to be an author but I don’t think I could ever be as good as my stepfather. 

My stepfather’s novels are so complex and they are so well thought out and just amazing. I get lost in his books easily and have read all of them. As much as I hate the author himself, the books mesmerize me. I had to hide that I read his books though, in fear that he would get too cocky. I didn’t want him to know I liked anything about him.

That was when the door to my bedroom opened up and he walked inside. I put down my pen and pencil and gave him an angry look. My sister Amy was sitting on my lap and he decided to sit at the side of my bed. What was he planning?

“What do you want?” I asked, annoyed.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry, Lucy-chan.” he taunted.

“Don’t ever call me that!” I yelled.

At about this time Amy started to cry. I guess my anger must’ve made her upset. I shook her up and down, hoping to get her to calm down. She always loved it when I did that. She perked up after a minute and I smiled at her.

“Sorry if I scared you, Amy.” I told her.

“You’d make a great mom one day.” he said, only making me more angry.

“Get out. You’re a bad influence on Amy.” I commanded him.

That was when he got the bright idea of stealing Amy from my arms. He cradled her in his arms and she instantly began to ball her eyes out. I snatched her from him and set her against my shoulder. Who does he think he is?

“Out!” I yelled.

I nudged him out the door with a few kicks of my foot but he decided he wasn’t going to be pushed around. He thrust me against the wall, almost making Amy hit her head. I winced as I felt the wall hit my back. I carefully steadied Amy, hoping none of this hurt her.

“I like you Lucy-chan, but you’re not gonna steal my baby from me. If you want a baby all you have to do is ask.” he said, smirking.

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