Chapter 4: Truth

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Chapter 4: Truth

She seemed to realize what she had done then. Amelia cowered back, putting her hands over her mouth. Tears ran from her eyes, pooling down into a tiny raindrops that wet the sand. She began to crawl away, maybe ashamed of what she had done. I caught a glance of a different side of her then. She was my best friend, but everyone had secrets. I had my own share as well.

She used the hand that was not covering her fangs to pull her body farther away from me. She kept her eyes locked on mine though and she looked desperate. She was scared of herself. Now calm enough to grasp the situation, I moved forward.

“Stay away from me!” she yelled.

I refused, coming even closer. She stumbled to her feet and began to run away, seeing as though I wasn’t going to listen to her threats. I jumped on my own feet, running in the same direction. For such a small girl she seemed to run very fast but she was so distraught that she didn’t even notice the rock that sat directly in her path. Her foot collided with the black stone just as I reached out to grab her wrist, keeping her from falling.

One of my only strong points was keeping calm in a heated situation. When the problem was really serious I kept my composure and stayed happy. I smiled, locking my blue eyes with her violet ones. Her eyes had turned back to normal, proving she was no longer a threat. She struggled to break free from my grasp, scratching at my fingers until they began to bleed. I winced at the pain but used that hand to drag her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…” she whispered again and again into my shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around mine, clutching to the back of my shirt. I patted her back, trying to calm her like I calmed my little sister. I kissed the top of her head, smelling the scent of her hair. The smell of vanilla drifted into my nostrils, captivating my senses. I almost forgot I was hugging her until Amelia broke away from the embrace. My smile was still there, tattooed to my face.

“I guess I have something to say.” She said, staring at the sand that shifted beneath her toes.

“Me too.” I responded, remembering the reason I came here.

“I am one of the last vampires of my clan, Amelia Blackheart. The vampires were driven out to extinction by humans just like you. I came here to kill your family.” She said sadly, lacing her fingers together in front of her.

“What?” I asked, becoming a little concerned.

“Your mother is not who she claims to be, Lucy. She tried to have so many kids so she could hide her scent. Our nose tends to be more sensitive to the blood of toddlers. Their blood has a more… satisfying taste.”

“What do you want with my mom?!” I demanded.

“I already told you. I was sent here to KILL her,” she paused, “and all her children.”

Footprints In The Sand(A Yuri Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now