Footprints In The Sand(A Yuri Story)(GirlxGirl)

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Footprints In The Sand(A Yuri Story)(GirlxGirl)

Prologue: Not Alone

When I came to this town it felt as if all the faces around me were happy and accepting. I soon learned that the hypocrites around here were all but accepting. Everywhere I went I was treated as an outcast. All the girls filled my head with screams of hurt and the guys would add bruises to accompany the hurt I already felt in my heart. Why was I the receiver of this pain?

My parents arrived here trying to make room for their new baby. The baby that was soon to be my little sister. All they ever talked about was little Amy, their precious baby. Since I was grown up I didn’t get that title anymore. I usually got a look nowadays but nothing more.

My mom had been divorced three times since my newest stepfather filled my father’s shoes. She and my original father were old high school classmates and started dating when they got into college. She had gotten pregnant with my older brother when she was nineteen. When the baby was being born nine months later she almost lost so much blood that she would’ve died. Luckily after awhile the blood flow stopped and about a year later she became pregnant with me. 

My mother didn’t fear to have another baby. In fact all she wanted in life was to have another kid. That’s all she talked about. When the child grew up it was like the child was disposable to her. She didn’t want it around anymore.

When she had me it was a safer delivery and not as much blood was lost but the pregnancy was painful. It was as if you couldn’t have one or the other with her. The most stubborn mother in the world. It seems I got all those traits from her.

My father denied her to have any more children and refused in fear of her dying on him. Two healthy babies were enough for him. Of course, It wasn’t enough for my mother. She tried to convince him in the most persuasive ways but he just buried himself in his work to keep her quiet. 

Not only did she obsess with having children but she was an attention freak as well. If her husband’s eyes were not set on her she would get angry. She relished in the attention and wanted it all the time. Maybe the two were related in some way but I couldn’t ever piece it all together. My mother was a complicated mess.

The other two times she had married she tried to have kids with both of her new husbands but all the attempts ended in a miscarriage. Nothing saddened her more than to give up on what she wanted most. I would walk by her bedroom for days after she lost the babies and she would be sobbing and I even saw her drinking one time and cutting her wrists another time. For those few times in my life I felt sympathy for her.

Now that she had married another we were sent to this little town beside the ocean. I would find myself staring at it through the window sometimes to see the sunset. Something so beautiful that I wished I could see all the time. The only thing beautiful I saw in my life. Until I met someone one fateful day.

One day after school I decided to make a side trip to go walk on the beach. I took off my school shoes and ran my toes through the grainy substance. I smiled as I felt so free. I felt like I could do something without consequence. I could run the whole beach without anything bad happening to me.

I put my school bag down on the ground and walked up to the water. When I looked ahead though I found a girl. She looked about my age and her hair was beautifully long, where mine was short and chopped. Her face naturally glowed in the sunlight, while mine burned. She looked so beautiful just standing there.

Who was she? I had never seen her before so she apparently didn’t go to school. I would have remembered her. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my life. So extravagant compared to average old me.

I saw her mouth move but I was so lost in thought I couldn’t understand it. She walked beside me and gently pounded the top of my head with the back of her hand. She smiled and laughed. A laugh I wasn’t ever going to forget. She sounded like an angel in my ears.

“I said, do you like the beach?” she seemed to repeat for me.

“Oh! The beach well um… it’s pretty.” I noted, embarrassed that she had caught me off guard.

“Your strange.” she laughed.

“Am not!” I yelled back.

“Chillax. I’m just messing with you.”

I nodded in response as I sat down on the cool sand. I felt it through my toes and sighed as the waves rolled over them. I felt like I was in paradise. For some reason I began to tell her everything. Everything about me.

“Name’s Lucy, Lucy Hawk. Female. 15. Sophmore in High School.” I told her.

“Amelia. Amelia Lewis. Female. 15. I’m not in school.” she replied.

The only two things alike were that we were both 15 and female. I didn’t know how to spark a conversation of that but I did want to ask her about her not being in school. I thought everyone was forced to go to school. I always had to.

“So why don’t you go to school?” I asked, maybe a bit irritated.

“My parents died when I was a baby. I stay at an orphanage on the beachfront. No one has picked me yet.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know.” I said sadly, upset I sounded soirritated before.

“No, it’s ok. I’m used to it.” she said with a smile.

It felt so happy just to have a conversation with someone. To talk to an actual human being other than the wall. Since my bro moved out and has been living halfway across the states there has been no one I can talk to. Then as I looked at the dark sky I realized it was time for the conversation to end.

“I gotta go now. Since it’s dark and all. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I told her as I ran off back to my house.

I shot her a wave with the back of my hand and smiled as I ran all the way home. I think I finally made a friend in this town. A real life human being was actually my friend! Someone I could share my thoughts with. Someone I could confide in.

As I looked back I saw her staring at the sun and looked back on the trails I had made. The two sets of footprints I found were left in the sand. The two footprints that reminded me that I wasn’t alone. Someone walked the path with me. 

Footprints In The Sand(A Yuri Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now