Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Niall's POV

1 week passed.

Morning came, it's already a week since Liam arrived. But it's also a week of something unusual, like things you would never expect. Liam Payne, he is amazing I must say. I get to know him well because obviously we're roommates and roommates should never hide something (unless it's REALLY EMBARASSING, that's excemted.)

I don't know why but, every time I turn my gaze on to him, I fell in love with him. He is the reason why I never eat too much. I always tell myself, "Niall, be fit, be firm, be attractive." I know it's a little weird but sometimes you have to sacrifice things for other things. There was one time me and Liam went to Nando's. I ordered 3 plates of peri-peri chicken; it was the best moments of my life. After I ate them all (I mean ALL), I reached for my wallet, but to my surprise, I left my wallet at home. I could've sworn I brought it. It's really embarrassing if I told Liam to pay for me, which is so turn off. Liam finished his food and wiped his face with a napkin, he noticed that I'm frowning about something. I turn my gaze on to him and said, "Liam...I'm sorry but i..." he placed two fingers on my lip cutting me off and said, "I know!" So he pretty much, pay for me, I was still embarrass to talk to him but he keeps on smiling at me and mutters, "Niall, please don't be embarrass, I'm always ready if you need me." Then he winked at me, making me redder than red if that's possible.

Also, there was one time me and him decided to play the arcade. We picked Need for speed; I really don't understand the concept of the game. He always win, which is I can't tell if he did, the screen only tells, and I won't argue with that. Again he noticed me that I'm not playing, although I'm holding the controller. "Never played before?" he asked, I just nodded. He smiled at me, leaving me quizzically. He then stands and sat behind me, we're on an awkward position-I'm seating between his thighs and his hands are somewhere near my arms. He told me to restart the game, I then did. He placed his hands above mine, like one of those movies were the boy teaches the girl how to play golf. As he leans in on my back, I blush more and more. And when I learned how to play, he then turn back to his sit and winked at me. I groaned under my breath when he removed his hands from mine. One single touch from him brought shiver to my spine.

With that I can say, we are close from each other. Sometimes I think that maybe, just maybe, he could like me back. I don't know but he's kinda comfortable around me, remember when we first kiss? He didn't show any signs of disgust, more like curiosity.

After reminiscing some "Fluffy Events", I got up from bed and head to the shower. I opened the faucet, balance the degree of the shower. I kind of notice something; something tells me that Liam was not in his bed when I woke up. Now that's something...

unusual, despite the fact that I always wake up first before him. But who cares, maybe he decided to be an early bird, for a change. I reached for the body soap and brush it on the towel making the towel soapy. The towel is now fully soaped; I ran the towel to my body starting from the chest down to my finger toes. I also let the soap travel on my hands and arms. Finishing my shower, I applied toothpaste to the brush and ran the brush on my teeth. I did it side to side and over the deep areas. I then wrapped around the towel to my torso, still wet from the shower. I wiped away excess water from me and reached for a plain green tops and loss denim pants. (i know it's wierd for a morning dress but, it's how i like it. :P)

I ran down to the place I consider my "Morning Ecstasy", which is the kitchen. I saw my sister cooking strips of bacon while she toasts bread, perfect. I walk inside the kitchen and began to wonder where could that Liam be.

"Yow sis," she turn to face me and gave me a warm morning smile.

"Hey kiddow," she muttered. "Up for a breakfast?" she asked

"Yup!" I nodded. She then paced to where the plate rack is and took two plates and two glasses, also two forks. She placed it on the table and removed the bacon from the stove. She pulled out the OJ (orange juice, got it from phineas and ferb) on the fridge and she sat down opposite me.

"Gotta good morning?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Well kind...of?" I said, but it turned out as a question. It brought her into curiosity.

"Kind of?" she asked. I nodded. "What kind?" she muttered.

"Well, it's none of your business..." I trailed off.

"Come on Niall, we're siblings, clearly we share each other's thoughts soo... care to share your thoughts?" she folded her hands and raised her left eyebrow, I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, well... every morning, when I wake up, I always see Liam beside me and now he wasn't so it brought me into some weird thoughts like maybe something or maybe something DID happen (putting stress on the DID, but I always wake up before him. That's why," I explained, she gave me a quizzical look with a little grinn, scary.


"Niall, may I ask you one question, and answer me truthly, ok?"

"Uhm, O-ok?" Is what I can say. She stand up and got near me she leaned her on mine and said...

"Do you Niall James Horan, Like Liam James Payne?" she asked, I gasp.

"What? NO? What the...Noooo!!!" I exclaimed. She just rolled her eyes like she won't believe me, I can't even believe myself.

"Don't be denial Niall, wow it rhymes!" she laughed.

"U-uh-uh-I'm not!" I defended, she just smirked.

"Well, as far I know, you two have been roommates for a week now, it's really impossible to not be hooked up with his looks, em I right?" she asked. I didn't reply, silence build up for a moment.


"No Niall, you like him and you want him do you?" she cut me off with a taunting diction. She repeated words saying "You like Liam! You like Liam!" I can't anymore handle it, I'm blushing madly. I stand up and...

"Ok, ok! I like Liam, I love Liam, and I want him to be mine, alright?" I yelled making the house go boom. She silent for a moment and muttered...

"You really are a grown up Niall, I'm proud of you!"

::::::::::ΠAuthors NoteΠ::::::::::

Hey guys! So yeah, I'm sorry for not being online for a week because I had to take the educational review and the exams, but what's important is...I updated!!

Anyway, I'll be trying to update two stories at once, let's just say I'm in the mood. LOL

Happy readings and don't forget to vote and fan and comment, best comment will get 5 votes, Heheh!!



******POST SCRIPT******

I did some editings on this chapter for u to understand more. There is nothing to do, and it's around 12:41 am so... i decided to edit this chapter. xD

And, i want to thank you all for reading my story, you really did made my day and all of my days. Please message me if u have any suggestions or feedbacks which you don't want to be seen by others, my inbox is always open for all concern readers out there. Also, please promote my story to other wattpaders out there.

My story reached over 2000+ reads, it's beacuse all of you who have read my story made it possible. You all truly are the best. I LOVE Y'ALL!

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