Chapter nine:

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Hey guys so here is chapter nine :) It is a bit longer than the last one, it was 7 pages on word :)

Hope ya'll enjoy it and please: 


Isabella xx


I wake up, feeling warm and comfortable. My eyes flutter open and I let out a silent yelp. William’s arms are wrapped around me and my head is on his chest, as he sleeps peacefully. Oh crap! So much for distance! I slowly pry his arms off me and dash to the bathroom, just in time.

When I come back, he is still asleep. I don’t want to wake him, so I change into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black see through blouse, with a black singlet underneath. I grab my gold and black roman sandals and leave my hair down, after finishing my makeup, I check the time. Half an hour until school starts.

I try waking up Will, but he won’t get up. So I head downstairs and grab myself a bottle of water and an apple and then I make Will cereal and tea and take it up to my room. I place it on the side table and start waking William up

‘Just ten more minutes’ he mumbles and rolls over, so his face is pressed into my pillow

‘Will, you have to get up, school starts in twenty minutes’ I say and he groans and rolls over, slowly opening his eyes, he grins when he sees me and my heart flutters

‘Good morning’ he says in a sexy morning voice that makes me shiver

‘Morning, I made you breakfast’ I gesture to his favourite cereal and tea

‘Thank you! You didn’t have to do that’ he says gratefully and begins to eat

I stand there awkwardly, and I’m saved by my phone ringing. I grab it and answer it, not even checking the caller ID

‘Hello?’ I say politely

‘Arianna?’ I stiffen, when I hear Jace’s voice

‘Jace?’ I whisper and I see Will look at me and frown at my sudden mood change

‘H-how are you?’ he asks nervously

‘I’m great’ I lie

‘T-that’s good’ he says and I can hear the pain in his voice

‘Jace, why are you calling me?’ I ask bluntly

‘Matt and I are leaving in a week’ he explains and I frown, what does he mean? Leaving?

‘Where?’ I whispers, and sit down on the window seat

‘We are moving to England’ he says and tears fill my eyes

‘When are you coming back?’ I whisper

‘Three months’ he says and I wince

Me. They are leaving their home and coming back because of me.

‘Don’t bother’ I say and I can imagine his shocked look

‘What do you mean?’ he says shocked

‘Don’t bother coming back, no point, might already be gone by the time you do’ I say sourly and I know he winced ‘bye Jace, tell Matt I said goodbye, and I still love you both. Even if you are leaving me’ I say and hang up

‘You OK?’ Will asks

I wipe away the few tears that spilled, before turning to face Will, with a fake smile on my face. I know he doesn’t buy it, but he doesn’t push me for information. After getting ready, we head to his car and head to school in silence, with just the radio playing.

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