Chapter twenty:

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Hey everyone! :)

This chapter is dedicated to AnnaWilson065 for being the first to comment on my last chapter :)



Isabella xx


I am just drifting off to sleep, when I hear voices and my door open. I keep my eyes closed hoping that whoever it is gets the hint and goes away. I have no such luck, as I hear Dad saying my name and telling me to wake up. What is he doing here? Who won’t he just let me sleep!

‘What? I’m trying to sleep Dad!’ I snap and open my eyes and then I freeze

‘Arianna’ Mum whispers, from her wheelchair

‘Mum’ I whisper back

Why is she in a wheelchair? Oh god she looks so different! She has lines all over her face, and she looks so frail! Her clothes hang off her body and her skin is a sickly grey colour. She has bags under her eyes and her hair looks greasy.

‘Oh my baby’ Mum sobs and her whole body shakes with tears, she looks like she is going to fall apart

‘Oh mum what happened to you’ I say and I see Dad leave the room silently

‘It’s my entire fault! I never should have said those things to you! I am so sorry! I was a horrible mother and you probably hate me. I never should have come’ she chokes out

‘Mum, please just shut up for a second’ I say softly, and she nods and closes her mouth

‘What you said, it hurt me so much. I trusted you. You were my mother, my support and when I lost that, it hurt so much. I don’t know why you said it, but at least I know now that you didn’t mean it’ I take a deep breath, swallowing the lump in my throat ‘Do not blame yourself for me getting cancer. It’s not your fault. You didn’t make me get it. Don’t blame yourself for me losing my mate. That was my own fault. None of this is your fault’ I say and look down

‘I would trade places with you in a heartbeat, if it meant seeing my beautiful baby girl growing up. You are amazing, and I am so proud of you’ she whispers and I look up in shock, did she really just say that to me?

‘No Mum. You’re needed here. My life is over, this is my plan, I wasn’t meant to live. The fates have it planned this way’ I whisper

‘I hate the fates’ she mumbles and I can’t help but laugh softly

‘When I go, I need you to promise me something’ I say, making sure I am looking her in the eyes, so she knows I am serious

‘Anything’ she nods

‘You can’t do what you tried to do. You need to live, be happy. You need to be here for Cassidy, Matt, Jace and Dad. They need you and one day so will their children, your grandchildren. You can tell them about me if you want, that’s your choice. Just don’t leave them, I’m not worth that’

‘You are worth everything. But if that’s what you wish, then OK’ she nods and rolls her wheelchair over to my bed, and I hug her to me and we silently cry together

I spend the rest of the day telling Mum about Paris, and all the places that she should visit when she goes. Mum leaves at around six at night, so I spent the whole day with her. I have my Mum and Dad back, and I honestly feel so much better with them back on my side.

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