Chapter ten:

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It was stupid and I never should have done it, I knew that. Because of my walk home in the rain, I was off school for two days sick. Today I head to the hospital for a check-up. Today’s Friday and tomorrow is my movie marathon night with Serenity, so I hope I am OK.

‘Hey Arianna, how are you feeling today?’ Doctor Phillips asks, and crosses his hands on his desk, trying to act normal

‘Please, just tell me how bad?’ I ask

‘Your cancer has spread, what you did was stupid’ he scolds and I look down in shame

‘How long now?’ I ask

‘You only have another month and a half left. Being sick fastened the process’ he explains and I stare at him in shock

‘A month?! But I was only sick for two days!’ I cry

‘I’m sorry Arianna, if I could take all of this away I would’ he says softly

‘Have you spoken to my parents? Did they tell you they kicked me out?’ I ask bitterly and when he looks down, I know he has

‘Have you got a place to stay?’

‘Yeah’ I nod

 ‘Arianna I am so sorry, you shouldn’t have to go through with this all at such a young age. If you ever need anything, don’t be hesitant to ask’ he says softly

After talking to Dr Phillips for another half an hour, I head back to the pack house. Everyone is arriving home around now, so I sneak up to my bedroom. I don’t want anyone finding out I went to the hospital today, they would ask too many questions that I can’t answer.

‘Arianna? Are you in here?’ Will knocks on my door and then walks in

‘Hey’ I smile and put my book down on the bed

‘What did you do today? Are you feeling better?’ he asks softly, and sits down on the bed, next to me.

‘I just sat around and relaxed and yeah full recovery’ I lie and I hate it, I just want to tell him the truth!

‘That’s great!’ he grins ‘school was boring without you’ he winks and I blush and look down

‘So I was wondering… Are you free this weekend?’ he asks

‘No, I’m sorry’ I say and he genuinely looks upset, and that reminds me! I have to call Serenity and tell her!

‘Aw that’s OK, what are you doing?’ he asks curiously

‘Serenity and I are having a harry potter movie marathon, it’s part of my bucket list’ I explain

‘Cool, mind if I join?’ he asks and I go to say ‘no, just girls’ but then he does this cute puppy dog face and I just nod, damn him and his cuteness!

We talk for a bit longer and he tells me about his day and for a brief moment, I want to tell him. And I go to tell him, but then I see the happiness and love in his eyes as we laugh and joke, and I can’t do it, I can’t hurt him. So I stay silent, like a coward and just try to act normal.

‘Get up!’ I groan and roll over

‘Go away! Ten more minutes’ I mumble

‘It’s ten, Serenity will be here at eleven and we have to go get treats!’ Will says and jumps on my bed, making me bounce slightly

‘Shut up’ I groan and put my pillow over my head

‘Fine’ he mumbles and walks out of my room, yay!

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