Chapter fourteen:

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Hey everyone! So here is another chapter, obviously ;)


this chapter is dedicated to Brooks_Xx3 for fanning :)

Isabella xx



I wake up the day after sky diving and my back is killing me! I groan and roll over and smile when I remember last night. After going to dinner with everyone, Paul, Serenity, Matt and I were walking back to the hotel and we started dancing and I slipped and fell onto the grass.

‘Wake up!’ Paul yells and pounds on my door

‘Go away’ I mumble

‘No! Get up, or I’m coming in’ he threatens

‘Doors locked’ I say smugly and close my eyes and drift back to sleep

‘Get up’ Paul yells and throws a glass of cold water on me, I scream and sit up, sputtering in shock

‘H-how did you get in?!’ I demand

‘I’m a warlock baby, I can do anything’ he winks and I roll my eyes and laugh

‘No. my back is killing me and I’m tired’ I say and lie back down

‘Roll over’ he commands and I frown, but do as he says

‘Why?’ I ask and lie on my stomach

He climbs onto the bed and straddles me from behind. I squeak in shock and try to roll over

‘What the hell are you doing?!’ I demand

‘Calm down, I’m giving you a massage’ he laughs and I relax

‘A little warning next time would have been nice’ I grumble and close my eyes

‘Just shut up and relax’ he snickers and I grumble at him, but relax

‘Oh god! Yep! That’s the spot! Harder’ I moan, as he massages my shoulder. I should pay him to give me massages all the time! This is great! I moan, just as my door flies open with a bang and standing there, fuming, is the last person I ever thought I would see.

Before I can even blink, Paul is thrown off me and into the wall. He slides down the wall and groans. I sit up in and shock and stare at William. What is he doing here? Why is he hurting Paul? How the hell did he even find me?!

‘GET AWAY FROM MY MATE!’ Will roars, and his eyes turn black, his wolf is taking over.

‘Arianna, get behind me’ Paul growls and steps in front of me.

This sets William off even more and I can see his canines and claws extending and I know I have to do something before this gets worse. I stand up on the bed and place my hands on Paul’s shoulders, I realise the mistake as soon as I make it. I shouldn’t have touched Paul. Will’s wolf looks murderous and I wince. Crap.

He lunges forward, taking Paul with him. I scream and dive backwards, landing on the bed with a thump, bouncing slightly. I groan and roll over and stare wide eyed as the two men fight. Paul gets a few hits in, but I can tell Will has the upper hand.

‘STOP!’ I scream, but they ignore me

I throw a pillow at them, lame I know, and they just ignore it and keep fighting. I can tell Paul is about to use his magic, and I know Will won’t stand a chance if he does. I jump of the bed and doing the most stupid thing I can do. I stand in the middle of the fight.

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