Chapter thirteen

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Hey guys this one is quite short and im sorry for that, but I have to cut them a bit shorter haha :)

Anyway please enjoy and have a good weekend everyone!


btw this one is dedicated to ChristinaWoods0 for fanning me :)

Isabella xx



Today is Thursday. I spent the day with Paul on Tuesday and we just travelled around and went sight-seeing. Then on Wednesday I had a girls’ day with Serenity and Teya and we went shopping and they bought heaps of new clothes and I bought two dresses and a new roll for my camera.

Today all of us, so that is, Teya and Jace, Matt and Serenity and Paul and I, are going to go sky diving! I am so excited and I can’t wait! At the moment I am standing in the hotel lobby waiting for Matt and Serenity to hurry up!

‘You excited?’ Paul grins and I nod, smiling like crazy

‘I’m a bit scared though. What if my parachute doesn’t work? I land in the wrong place?’ I ask worried about what’s to happen

‘You’ll be fine, I’ll be there with you’ he takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze

‘OK, let’s go’ Serenity grins, walking towards us, we all head out the front doors

We take a mini bus, which is extremely fun, to a large paddock with planes and a shed like area. We all get out and pay the driver and then head inside. After going through the safety issues and paying and signing a form, we all get ready to go up.

‘Is it too late to back out’ I whimper into Paul’s chest, as he holds me tight

‘Yes. You can do this’ he soothes and rubs my arm

I see my brothers watching us and I can tell they aren’t pleased. I don’t care. They have no business in my life. The only reason I am tolerating them is because of Teya and Serenity. The man yells that it’s time and whoever wants to go first, needs to jump now.

Matt jumps, followed by Serenity. Then Jace and Teya and finally it’s my turn. I stand there, shaking with nerves. Oh god, why did I put this on my bucket list?! What if I die! I feel Paul grab my hand and give me a reassuring squeeze

‘Let’s jump together’ He whispers and with my extra good hearing, I hear it fine and nod

‘JUMP!’ he yells and I do, and we go together.

The rush is exhilarating! It’s like nothing I have ever felt before! I’m so glad we took heaps and heaps of photos. I never want them to forget this moment. I feel so light and care-free! I wish I could always feel like this.  

All too soon I see the ground and pull the string attached to my parachute. It jolts upwards and takes me with it, then I settle into a slow decent towards the ground. After landing, I run and jump straight into Paul’s arms and I hear a click and I turn around and see Ren standing there with the camera in her hand and a grin on her face

‘Oh my god! That was amazing! I can’t believe I just jumped out of a plane!’ I say, talking a hundred miles a minute

‘Let’s go get something to eat and these photos developed’ we all get photos that were professionally taken by cameras on our helmets and then we head off to get stuff to eat and our photos done


I knock on Arianna’s house. There is no answer. Where is everyone? I know her parents split up, but weren’t her mother and sister living here? I get back into my car and start driving. God I feel like crap! I miss her so much! I dial Matt’s number and wait impatiently for him to answer


‘Matt! It’s Beta William’ I say

‘Will?! What’s wrong?’ he asks shocked

‘Fine! I love you Paul!’ I hear a familiar voice yell, while laughing and my heart stops.

I can’t breathe. I feel like the car is caving in around me and I can’t get enough oxygen. My lungs swell so big I’m afraid they are going to burst. Ari? She is in love with another man? I start to feel anger. Who is he?! How dare she love another man! But then I stop. I left her. I hurt her and let her walk right out of my life. I deserve everything I get. I faintly hear Matt saying my name, over and over. Asking me if everything is OK

‘Who’s on the phone?’ I hear my, not mine anymore, angel, ask Matt.

‘Beta William’ Matt replies and I wait, holding my breath, what’s she going to say? Will she want to speak to me?

‘OK. Paul and I are going back to the hotel. See you guys tonight’ her angelic voice says and then I hear a man’s voice, do they even remember I’m on the phone?!

‘Come on, if we leave now we can go by the Eiffel’ he says and I hear her say yes and then the line goes silent

‘You’re her mate, aren’t you?’ Matt asks and I stiffen, even though he can’t see me

‘Yes’ that one word and I know he is shaking in anger, because I hear crackling and then Jace’s voice

‘Don’t call again. She is doing fine without you. Just leave her alone’ he hangs up and I just sit there.

I should leave her alone. I should let her live the rest of her life in peace. But I can’t, I have to see her, even if just one more time. But where is she?! She could be anywhere in the world! Wait! Eiffel! That’s in Paris!

I speed down the road. Not caring if I break any speeding laws, I just have to get home. I dial and book the next flight, which is eleven tonight. I have four hours to pack and get ready! I get to the pack house and throw open the door.

I haven’t spoken to Luna Tiffany or Alpha Austin unless I have to. They know I can’t stand them and I know they blame themselves for what happened with Arianna. And so they should. What Tiffany said to her best friend, was horrible and then for Austin to do that to her and Serenity, is just cruel.

I rush up to my room and begin to pack. I’m coming Arianna.


Wow another thing off the bucket list! Not much left now :)

And oh no. Will found out where she is!


Isabella xx

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