Chapter Five: The Host Hopper

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I wake up the next morning and shower quickly, I open my closet and scream at the sight before me. All of my clothes were gone and replaced with multiples of that horrible yellow dress. "MOTHER!" I scream and she pops her head in with a smug look on her face. "Yes dear?" She asks, I take one of the dresses off a hanger and look at her. "Where are my clothes?" I ask and she hmms, tapping her manicured finger against her chin. "I put them in storage, you only need those other clothes for weekends." She says, I open my mouth to say something but her phone goes off. "Oops, gotta go." She says and she disappears down the hall. I sigh and look down at the dress with a glare. I pull it on and look in the mirror. "I look like a lemon." I grumble as I grab my bag. I storm out of my room and down the stairs. "Miss Okami? Uh, you look nice today." The driver says as he follows behind me towards the limo. "Sito, please just take me to school." I say and he nods, he opens the door and I slide in. I sigh and relax a little. "This is going to be a fun day."

I get to school and hurry to class with my head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I get to class and sigh, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. "Hey." I look and see Mori sitting at his desk, I smile and nod at him. "Hello, Mori. Where's Honey?" I ask and then Honey runs into the room. "Sato-chan!" He yells and hops into my arms, I laugh and ruffle his hair. "Hello, Honey. How are you?" I ask as I let him down. "I'm great! You look pretty in the uniform!" He says and I blush softly. "Thank you, Honey." I say and kiss the top of his head, he smiles big before walking over to Mori. Mori smiles softly as Honey tells him a story about something.

After school I walk to the host club and open the door, when I look in all I could see was a jungle. "Um guys? What's going on? It's still early spring." I say as I pull off my coat, Sito had brought it to me during lunch and I needed it with how cold it was today. "Oh hello, Satoko-Senpai. Don't you just love it?" Tamaki says as he comes out, a big smile on his face and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why is the room a jungle?" I ask as Tamaki leads me to my little stage, it was covered in tropical flowers and a small waterfall was behind me. "Hiding under kotatsu table fearing the cold is nonsense, besides our heating system is the best." He says and I have to admit it was incredible warm in here. "Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly out there, but we want to surprise our chilly kittens with a warm tropical paradise." Tamaki says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and sweeps his arm across the whole room. "If you say so, I'm going to go set up now Tamaki." I say and take his arm off of me, he whimpers a little and I look at him with  a small smile. "It is beautiful though, Tamaki." I say and laugh softly, he blushes bright red and I take off.

After setting up, Kyoya walks over to me with an outfit. "Tamaki requested you wear this, Satoko-Senpei." He says as I take the outfit. It was a long red skirt, a beautiful white shirt with gold trimming, and a small headpiece. I nod to Kyoya as I walk to the changing room, I slip on the clothes and come out  to see the guys waiting. "Well?" I ask as I adjust the headpiece; they were all blushing lightly. "You look great, Sato-chan!" Honey says and I smile softly as I walk past them to the stage. After a little, Haruhi comes in and they start getting ready. I play a few tropical songs I could think of and watch as a girl walks up to Haruhi, she cups her face and looks at her. "I've decided, from now on you're going to be my new favorite host, Haruhi." She says and I hear Tamaki gasp. I watch as he goes to sulk in his corner and I raise my eyebrow. "What's that all about?" I say but shrug it off as I go back to playing. "Are you going to the party next week, Satoko-Senpei?" A girl asks as she gracefully walks up to me. "What party?" I ask and Kyoya walks over to us. "The Host Club is putting on a dance next week, Satoko-Senpei. You are invited of course since you are a part of the Host Club." He says and I smile softly. "Thank you, Kyoya. I would love to come." I say and he smiles as he walks away,  a faint blush on his cheeks.

After the Host Club closes, Tamaki was sitting in a corner sulking and eating commoner's ramen. I mess with my guitar, tuning it while the others start talking about the party and that girl. "Well, I'll be seeing you later guys." I say as I start towards the door. "But don't you want to stay and help us plan for the party, Sato-chan?" Honey asks as he grabs onto my dress, he looks up at me with a frown. I ruffle his hair and smile softly. "I'm sorry, Honey but I have to go somewhere. Bye you guys!" I say as I hurry out of the room. I exit the school and hail a taxi, I give the driver the address and watch as Ouran Academy slowly disappears from my view. After twenty minutes, we enter a very rough neighborhood, the car stops in front of a small club and I get out. I hand him the money and a big tip, he takes the money with a raised eyebrow then drives off. I sigh and hurry down the cracked steps into the club.

Hello everyone! I'm very sorry for taking so long to update but I hope you all will like this chapter, the next episode will be an original part and not from the original anime. Did you guys hear?! They're making a season 2 of Ouran!!! I'm so hoping it is real!!! Well until next time. Bye bye my ninjas!

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