live a life you will remember

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Gumballs POV

Oh glob.. Oh glob, oh glob, oh glob, oh globbidy glob GLOB! I've got the vampire in my class. And to make matters worse, he's starring at me from where he is seated. Why. Why me?

Well maybe its the fact that you're a prince genious. The voice in my head sassily stated.

"Oh right.." I mumbled to myself and began biting my nails. A nervous habit I picked up when I was 10 and had to walk around and help my people.

One of the many things people do not know about me is my other personality. Not even the guards know. He's only come out once. I've been trying to control him. But I don't know how long I can keep it up.

"Prince!" I heard the teacher holler. I snapped out of my thoughts and sat up straight in shock.

"Sorry... Yes sir-mam, I mean.. Sorry." I could hear snickers from around the classroom.

"Just cause you are the prince does not mean I will treat you with more respect than I do all the other students." The teacher informed.

"Since when do you even treat us with respect?" The vampire said, but the teacher and I ignored his question.

I stood and gave a formal bow with my head "With all do respect mam, I do not expect you to treat me any different than you do any of these students. So please do not assume what I am thinking as if you were me just because I grew up in a more formal and financially stable life. I know what is out in the world. I am not a rich snob with no respect." I informed and took my seat. I could feel all eyes on me.

There was an awkward silence for a moment until the teacher cleared her throat and began with greetings and rules since it was the first day of school after all.


School went on for a while more but once it was over I quickly headed over to the library and began my hunt for biology books so I could better understand the bacteria and cells along with viruses. I have been trying to combine and make a cure for most sicknesses that have been going around.

While searching the darkest corner of the library I felt a hand slip up my faint pink shirt. I gasped at the cold hands and jumped forward only to bump into the book shelf. The hands snaked towards my abdomen. I felt a warm breath that was foweled with the smell of blood.

"Hey prince." a rough voice rang in my ears.

My heart pounded dangerously fast in my chest. I pressed myself against the shelf as if I could just sink into them. If only.

"S-stop. Do you know who you're touching. I can have you sent to the dungeon." I warned but my voice wavered in fear.

A wet slim tongue snaked up my neck, causing me to squeal and press harder against the shelf as the mans hands squeezed around me.

"Please" I whimpered. Pathetic. A prince whimpering. What a disgrace I am.

Why don't you let me take care of this? The voice in my mind spoke. I agreed without hesitation, I did not want to be here at the moment.

Then, my hands and lips are moving without my control. I can see what is going on but I cannot do anything.

Gummy (gumaball's other personality) POV

I stopped moving and dropped the books in hand. I placed my hands over the ones under my shirt.

"What do you want tough guy?" I whispered seductively and slowly turned to see the face masked in darkness.

"I want you crying out under me." He bluntly stated and slammed his lips against mine. I moaned and kissed back.

He tangled our fingers and held my hand over my head. I pressed my chest against his as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I let out another moan before hearing footsteps.

Right on time.

I let Gumball take control again.

Back to gumaball's POV

I felt disgusted. The damn personality of mime is sure going to get it.

I pulled back but the and hands grabbed my hips. He rutted his hips against mine. I screamed and yelled for help while I squirmed around. Soon, the man was knocked off me and I was being lifted.

I began try cry in terror and kick and punch the persons back. It was a while before I was set down.

"What's a prince doing in the library all alone?" The vampire in front of me asked.

"B-books... the books!" I rembered and groaned in frustration. I forgot the books. I ran my fingers through my hair and glanced up at the vampire.

"Marshall" he said in that rough voice. But not rough like the other mans.

"Do you know who that man was?" He asked.

I shook my head and herd him smack his tongue.

"Shoulda got a look at him." he mumbled with a frustrated look as he ran his fingers through his hair.

I hadn't noticed I was shaking until marshall placed his hands on my chest, causeing me to jump.

"Relax its me." He mumbled as if he wasn't as dangerous as the other man.

"Why are you even here?" I asked as I swatted his hand away.

He looked at e as if I just asked the stupidest question.

"Because the sun.. Geez I thought the prince would be smarter than this." He groaned.

I rolled my eyes then turned and walked towards the school exit. Marshall was by my side in a second.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"What, I can't go home?" He asked as his slipped his hands inside his pocket. I glanced down and noticed he was hosting above the ground. About a few inches.

"How do you do that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm a vampire. You know how you walk? Yea this is like that but only I can do it because of what I am." He said.

"That's interesting." I mumbled as I stared at his feet while we walked out the school and along the side walk.

He placed a finger under my chin and pushed my head up.

"My eyes are up here, sweetness" he mumbled with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and looked forward, seeing the castle only a few more blocks ahead. When I turned I noticed marshall was gone and no longer near me. I sighed and continued walking down the side walk. Once in the castle I entered my room, after dismissing myself from dinner of course, and went straight to bed. I'm exhausted.


Konichiwa, hajimemshite
Watashiwa angel des!
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