Wednesday (!)

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Gumball's POV

I woke to the sound of humming. I slowly sat up and glanced around. Whimpering as my head began pounding.

"You okay there pinkie?" I heard arshals voice ask from beside me, accompanied with his breath against my neck.

I jumped in surprise and slipped off the bed, falling onto my bum, causing my headache to grow. I let out a louder whimper and held my head.

"Marshall." I whimpered pathetically as I held my arms out towards him. My head was killing me. There was pressure in it and every time I moved it would get worse then subside just a tiny tad.

Marshall lifted me up and lied me on the bed. He hovered over me.

"What's wrong gummy?" He asked. I stared up at him with a pout. There was a knock on my room door and then a guard entered. I began mentally panicking, worried what the guard would to to Marshall. But I noticed Marshall went to hide.

"My head hurts." I said loudly.

"Would you like some medicine prince? Maybe you should skip school today." The guard recommended. I nodded and the guard went to retrieve some medicine.

The guard was back a moment later with a glass of water and pills in his hands. I attempted to sit up but it just made the headache worse so I dropped back down onto the pillow.

"Prince," the guard gasped as he sped towards me.

"You can't drink while laying.." He mumbled before putting the water into his mouth with the pills. One of his hands went behind my neck while he leaned closer. I began panicking and pushing his chest.

"What are you doing" I weakly whimpered. He looked into my eyes as if telling me to calm down. I shook my head and tried pushing him away again but he just kept coming closer and I kept getting weaker.

"Stop" I whimpered.

He shoved his lips against mine and forced them oped while the liquid and pills that were once in his mouth, fell into mine. I spit them out and let out a cry. My shirt was soaked in the water.
I wiped my mouth and tried rolling away but before I could move the guard had his hands on my hips.

"Don't move." He mumbled into my ear.

"Marshall." I whimpered and not a moment later the guard was thrown off me and I was lifted gently by the arms I knew most.

"You're supposed to be his protector!" Marshall hollered at the one lying on the floor.

"Please, no yelling." I whispered while gripping Marshall's shirt.

Marshal let out a sigh and glanced at the covered window.

"Don't leave. It's light out." I warned, also finding an excuse for him to stay.

Marshall glanced at me and before I could process what was happening, we were moving down some halls, marshall avoiding the light while still carrying me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Hide. Away from that disgrace of a guard." He growled angrly.

"Please don't be mad." I whispered and rested a hand on Marshall's cheek. He glanced down at me and sighed before pecking my lips.

"I'm not mad." He sighed, "just... Protective."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

"My head really hurts.." I grumbled.
This was one of the side affects of my other personality showing. Speaking of which, I don't think marshall knows about yet.

Gumlee (AU) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now