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Marshall's POV

The second day of school. Woohoo. What a joy. Note the sarcasm there. On my way to school I spotted a pink car driving past me. I turned just in time to see it was that little gumwad of a prince in there, surrounded by guards. I smirked and hovered above the ground for a moment before I flew over their car and set my feet down. I stomped on the roof until the car stopped and I began hovering again.

Guards in all yellow exited either side of the car with a pistol in hand.

"State your name and business here!" A guard to my right demanded.

I smirked but answered anyways.

"The names Marshall-" before I could finish, the pink prince is jumping out the car like a startled cat. Haha, cute.

"Marshall?!" He screamed.

"The one and only, sweetness." I smirked. I twisted the black umbrella in my hand. The one blocking the little abusive shit of a sun from hurting me.

"B-but you can't be in the sun." He said, as if I didn't already know that.

"I got the umbrella. And I've been walking in the shade- why do you care?" I suddenly asked.

"I-i will not let my people of this town put themselves in a dangerous situation... G-get in the car." He said as he stubornly pointed into the pink car.

"Only if I get a kiss." I smirked.

Sweetness here just sighed and nodded, which surprised me at first but I lowered myself to the ground and bent my knees a little so I was face to face with the pink prince.

The guards became stiff but the little pinkie raised his right hand, resulting in them backing down. I smirked and before I could grab the prince's hips, his lips are on my cheek.

"I meant on the lips, gumwad." I rolled my eyes.

Gumball giggled and I just wanted to tackle him and kiss the living moonlight out of him right then. I grabbed his waist with my free hand but was soon pushed into the car by a guard. The umbrella broke. Great.

I was about to yell but when I looked up at the open door I saw the little pinkie pressing a hand against the guards chest and telling him something while looking up at him. I saw the look in that guards eyes. And I don't like it.

Gumball soon enters the car and I wrap my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me as the guards enter the car. The guard with the blue eyes, the one eye raping MY pink gumwad, tries pulling my arm away from him but Gumball shakes his head. As if saying it was okay.

I smirk and place my nose in gumballs hair, taking in a deep and slow breath while eyeing the guard.

Gumball squirms a bit before I pull away and sit straight with my arm around him the whole time.

Once at school Gumball begins dragging me out the car because we're almost late. He seems in a good mood today, he hasn't sassed me at all today. Well, so far.

I try warning him that I can't be in the sun but I'm already out the car and screaching in pain. Only then does Gumball realize what's wrong. I can't move good but I don't want to handle this pain any longer.

Gumball grabs my hand and forces me towards the shade where I pant and sit down.

"Oh glob.. I-im so sorry.." Gumball continues blabbering while his hands lay on my cheek as he examines my face. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him forward till he's on my lap with me panting.

The sun drained me, I can't be in the sun because it burns my over sensitive skin and drains my emerge. My fangs pop out as I stare at Gumballs neck.

I know he realizes what I'm doing when he tilts his head, exposing him fragile pink neck even more.

"Are you sure?" I ask, still staring at his neck. I could hear his pulse pounding and the sweet blood running through his vanes.

"Y-yes.. I'm the one that caused this. As prince, I will take responsibility for my actions and fix them." Oh sweet innocent gumball. There's a problem in my pants that he doesn't seem to be fixing.

I lean forward and grip his hips as I bite into his neck. The sweet flavor bursts into my mouth and I can't help but moan while he gasps. I close my eyes and drink, also making sure I don't drain the little pinkie.

My fangs sink back into my gums and I lick the puncture wound on his neck.

"M-marshall.." I hear gumball gasp.

I force him to sit on my lap and I look at him.

"Yes?" I ask, feeling better.

"I'm... I'm tired" he whispers before pressing his head against my chest.

I wrap my arms around the cutie and lift him up while walking to the library. I co to the far back corner before I sit with my back against a shelf and the little pinkie against my chest.

"Rest." I whispered as I patted hit head he'll his head against my neck. His breath brushed against my neck every time he exhaled slowly. I wanted him panting against my neck while I rocked his socks off in his bedroom but that will have to wait.


Once the bell, signaling school was over, rang gumball awoke. He asked questions but was soon standind and about to leave.

"Aren't you going home?" He asked me tiredly as he rubbed his eye.

"The sun... Remember?" I stated while motioning to the bright half of the library.

"Come back to the castle with me then." He mumbled with his small hand out towards me. He was half asleep, I can tell.

"Whatever you say sweetness." I said as I took his hand and we were on our way out the school. I didn't miss the presence of the person following us, I just ignored it. Once out the school we walked in the shaded area. The pink car pulled up and we were on our way to the little pinkies castle.


Tell men what ya think, yea? Pls

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