The Search for Mangle (Chapter 8)

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((Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the wait!! And thank you all so much for the stars, reads and comments! >u< they mean so much to me! This is my most popular story, nyan~))

  (Mangle's P.O.V)

I woke up in a dark room.
This must be the music box... I thought to myself. It's more roomy than I thought It would be..
Suddenly, The Marionette walked over to Me, seeming to appear from the darkness.
"So you've awaken? It took you forever!" He chuckled.

"Listen, what do you want marionette?! I thought we were friends!" I said, fiddling with the cage I was locked in.
I suddenly had a flashback to when the pizzeria was still open...


"Oh hey Mari!!" I ran to the marionette and embraced him in a warm hug.
"What's up, Mangle?" He chuckled hugging me back.
I remembered how close we were...
"You looked beautiful on your stage today..." Marionette said gazing into my eyes.
"Hehe! Thank you!!" I said giggling, not realizing at the time that he was flirting.
- End of flashback -

I just now realized... I think I have an idea of what's going on now...

"Puppet... I thought we were friends..." Tears pricked my eyes as I remembered the memories we had.
This whole "condemned until further notice" thing was really getting to everyone... Or at least everyone that was powered on at the moment.

"You... And Foxy... I don't like it." He simply stated. "If I can't have you, nobody can."

"If you really cared for me then you would want the best for me!! Not to hide me away..." I protested in an upset tone.

"Psh.. I doubt he will even look for you. He was just using you to make himself look good..." He lied, trying to make Foxy look like the bad guy. Jealousy was clearly his motive for this whole set up.

"I won't listen to you! I don't believe a word you say!" I crossed my arms and turned away.

"Someone wants to be feisty, huh?" He chuckled. He pulled down my arms into a neutral position. He lifted my chin and softy kissed my lips.

"Don't even touch me Marionette!!" I smacked him away.

"Don't be resistant now, Mangle! I just wanted to show some affection that's all..." He said playing innocent. He fiddled with my fur. He then chuckled, placing his large hand on my paw.
I pulled my arm away. "You're never going to make me love you by keeping me here! You're doing the opposite!"

"If you don't love me I'll force you to love me!" He glared in my direction in a sinister matter. "Just think, I have complete control over you right now, don't push my buttons!" He harshly said in a louder volume than normal.

I then turned away. Maybe he was right, after all. I know Foxy would come find me eventually.
I sighed. Please hurry Foxy.. I would really appreciate it...
-Meanwhile in Foxy's P.O.V-

I couldn't find me lass anywhere... She seemed to have gone missing.
I suddenly gasped. What if she got scrapped?! I really hope not...

I walked around the pizzeria, searching as calmly as possible without flipping out. I knew it couldn't be anyone besides us... Who was powered on besides Mangle and I? The other Toy animatronics were off... The old animatronics have been off for a while... Balloon boy was being repaired.... I gasped again. It has to be Marionette...

I rushed over to his box quietly, so me footsteps wouldn't echo through the halls. I peered in to see Mangle in a cage. I already knew what happened.
I grit my teeth in anger. Grr...
I held myself back from doing anything, as I wanted to sneak in so he wouldn't try anything. If he even lays on of his grubby hands on me lass I'm gonna lose it...

I suddenly heard a scream. I have to go in there...

I walked into the box and to my horror, there stands Marionette, holding a knife against the wire that keeps Mangle from Powering Off for good.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DISOBEY ME!" He sternly said about to slice into the wire.

"P-please... Don't do this!"

I suddenly burst in and knocked marionette down on his back. With all of my might I clawed at his wooden torso with me hook, trying to do some type of damage. It was hard since he was wooden and didn't really have any weak parts such as wires or circuits.
I suddenly looked above me. His strings! That's it! He is weak without them!
I suddenly hopped up to the ceiling as far as I could and used the sharp end of my hook to cut the strings. He suddenly fell down, and was not able to move.

"GRRRR! YOU MONSTER!!" He yelled, trying to drag himself across the floor.
I quickly shuffled to find the keys to the cage. I found them and glanced at mangle to see if she was alright, she told at the edge of the cage in shock. She seemed to shake with fear at her near death experience. I quickly opened the lock, comforting her. "It's fine, we are getting out of here. Next time I'll keep you safe." I muttered, trying to stay calm.  Meanwhile Marionette was moving at a faster pace toward us. I got Mangle out, and she was still too shocked to move. I grabbed her hand softly and led her led the Vixen to the exit of the box.
Marionette dragged himself across the floor. (Imagine how creepy that would look 0.0)
"YOU CANT GET AWAY!!" He shouted harshly and the music box theme played. He managed to get the knife and stab into some of The wires in Mangle's feet. She yelped in pain.
"MANGLE?! Are ye alright??" I glanced over in horror. I picked Mangle up Bridal Style and walked her out of the box finally. She was in shock and some tears ran down her face. "Thank you so much foxy! You saved me!!" She hugged me close. Marionette was still heard from inside and he was getting closer to the exit.
"I love you Mangle." I muttered quickly yet genuinely. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and instructed her to go back to her cove and hide.
I needed to win this fight.

I will end marionette's life...

★ Mangled Love (Foxy X Mangle) ~ FNaF ★Where stories live. Discover now