An Offer For Success

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The next morning is a flurry of motion within the Lavender Room. Just because we don't have to "officially" intern doesn't mean we can skimp the breakfast meal. All of the interns have to report at the same time for breakfast since it's a formal matter. Apparently, all meals are practically mandatory except for when you're at work or you ask for permission to be excused from it.

Mia came to our room early Sunday morning to tell us we were expected in the Dining Room within an hour.

Lola's vocabulary was threaded with profanity as she got showered and dressed as quickly as she could. As she pulled on a black scoop-neck shirt and her black and white pin-striped skinny jeans, she cursed the morning hours, making me actually smile.

"Lola, are you not a morning person, then?" I smirk as I pull my hair into a messy bun. I am already dressed in a pair of torn, white-washed skinny jeans and a black tank-top that simply read 'BABE' within a white box rimmed in red.

Lola rolls her eyes. "Hate 'em with a passion."

I laugh and pull on my white converse. "Well, let's go before they send Mia after us."

Lola grunts and together we start for breakfast.


As we are about to head into the Dining Room we're stopped by an unexpected presence: Jeremiah Creal.

He smiles in his fake-polite way and beckons me forward. I step closer to him, my palms slick with nerves. Lola gives me an encouraging smile before disappearing into the Dining Room and leaving me.

Jeremiah directs me into an adjacent room that I realize is his study. I don't have a chance to look around though because Jeremiah demands my attention with his mere presence.

"Miss Littlefield, how are you?"

I smile timidly - still nervous. "I'm... lovely. I'm thrilled to be in the Program."

Jeremiah smiles, but his eyes narrow ever-so-slightly. "Yes, well, I am glad you find yourself pleased thus far..." There's a long pause and then he continues, "Miss Littlefield, I am going to cut right to the chase: I need your help."

I straighten in my chair as I grow perplexed by his statement. "My help?"

Jeremiah pauses, taking me in with scrutinizing eyes that send prickles down my spine. He teepees his hands and rests them beneath his chin before continuing. "Yes, your help... You have spoken to my son, Jack? You are... his friend?"

I snort, almost laughing, but I stop when I remember who this is. "Well, we're aquatinted. Not friends, really."

Jeremiah nods, pausing yet again. "Miss Littlefield - Macey - I like the look of you. I think you have great potential and could be a true asset to the Creal Publishing. Is this what you truly want? To be in such a corporation for life?"

His statements and questions throw me off-guard. What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to answer such weighted questions? This is a well-rehearsed play, but I still don't know my lines.

"I... yes, I am thrilled to be a part of Creal Publishing. I can't thank you enough." I fold my hands in my lap and hope those were the right words.

Jeremiah smiles, pleased. "Good. That being said, I want you to convince Jack of his place here at Creal. You see, Jack loves play-toys. He always has since he was young and I suppose that's because his mother and I spoiled him senseless... But that's beside the point.

"I want you, Macey, to entice my son into returning home for good. You say being with Creal is a dream... Make Jack want your dream."

I shake my head, beyond confused by all he's saying. "How would I even begin to make Jack want what I want?"

Jeremiah chuckles, leaning back in his chair. "My dear, that's simple - by making him want you."



That's what I feel. Jeremiah Creal wants me to convince Jack into staying in the family business by leading him on...romantically?

"Woah, wait... why would I even do this for you?" I cross my arms, waiting for a good enough reason, a reason to convince me.

Jeremiah smirks. "If you convince him - really convince him, my dear - I'll not only give you a part-way scholarship or pay your way through college completely, I'll give you a full-time job at Creal as one of my elite. You will move to the top of the food-chain within a matter of months."

My jaw drops. How could I pass this up? No college tuition - at all? No worry about getting a good job? And best of all, playing the best trick on Jack ever...

"What happens after he's here for good? Do I break his heart? Do I work for a man who knows I've cheated him?"

Jeremiah rubs his fingernails against his suit jacket. "You are mistaken, Macey. My son Jack does not have a heart to break. He is a selfish boy - he is a Creal... So... do you agree?" Jeremiah shuffles some papers on his desk and pulls out an already made contract and a pen.

I think. I decide.

"Yes," I say, extending my hand to shake his, "I agree."


When I leave Jeremiah's office I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame. In the contract were the explicit details of how far I was supposed to lead Jack on before it was over - and then, it had to be over. I wasn't allowed to actually like Jack. It was purely business - all for success, right?

What am I doing?

I can't go into the Dining Room now. I can't face Jack so soon, knowing that I'll have to lie to him, cheat him. This is so much more than a trick - this is cruel.


Shit. I look up to see Jack, his hair wet from a shower and dressed in a gray t-shirt and jeans with expensive looking shoes.

"Hey, Jack."

He motions to the Dining Room doors and gives me a strange look. "Don't you want breakfast? The food here is pretty good." He smiles charmingly.

I don't understand Jack. I don't understand him at all. Last night he was being an ass. Now, he's all charm and charisma, asking me if I'm eating. Who is he?

I smile - because the lying has to start now. "Sure, I just had a brief meeting with your father."

Something clouds Jack's eyes and his smile falters. "Oh... What about?"

"He just wanted to make sure I was settling in all right." I keep the smile on my face, sidling up next to Jack as we head for the doors.

Jack has a questioning look in his eyes, probably wondering why I'm so smiley towards him all of a sudden. I know I would be wondering what was wrong if the situation was reversed.


"Yeah, Jack?"

His eyes twinkle in the light and I see just how attractive he really is. "Never mind."

I nod my head, forcing myself to keep eye contact with him and reminding myself it's all for success.

Better Off Away (BOOK 2)(Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now