The Possibility of Us

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"Macey, don't be ridiculous – we can't get drunk. You're only eighteen." He tries to pull me off the dance floor, but I ground my feet in, unwilling to give in.

"Jack," I whine, "I'm not asking you to get drunk. I'm not drunk." Although I am certainly buzzed. "I just want us to loosen up and forget about all the lies and mistakes."

Shit. Maybe I am drunk. Drunken Macey tends to become too honest.

Jack looks at me, brow wrinkled in confusion. "Lies and mistakes?"

I let out a giggle. "Oops. I don't know what that means. Come on, Jack. Please, let's get you a drink."

He sighs, rolling his eyes. "Fine, one drink, but that's it."

That's all it takes.


Jack and I – we own the dance floor. I'm not sure where Gavin went and to be honest, I don't really care. I can't seem to focus on anyone but Jack as I move to the music. His eyes stay on mine and he keeps me pressed against him, dancing to the music with me. His hands on my hips are warm, occasionally grazing the exposed skin on my waist. I can feel my heart keeping time with the fast beat of the music and the even quicker ascent of my feelings for Jack.

He's a good guy... And I can tell he really cares for you...

Even in my nearly-drunken state Izzy's words have an impact on me – haunting my conscience as I dance with him.

The minutes give way to hours and soon, our feet are sore and our minds are in a complete haze as the AM hours come to us, bringing us out of the Club and spilling onto the streets to look for a cab ride home.

The air outside is cool, considering it's nearly July. I can feel a certain electricity in the air – one that comes right before a big storm. Jack's arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against his warm, broad chest. I look up at him, stumbling on the sidewalk, only kept steady because of him. He smiles at me droopily.

I stand on tiptoe, pressing my lips to his and knowing that I should feel guilty, but even that doesn't keep me from deepening the kiss and letting Jack lead me to the side of the Club. Jack presses my back against the Club wall and lifts me, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist so he can support me. He kisses me passionately, making me want this more than I've ever wanted it with any other boy in my life. But Jack isn't like those boys.

I tip my head back, scraping it against the wall, as Jack kisses my neck, leaving patterns across the exposed skin. I let my fingers become lost in his hair, tangling the strands into knots. Jack presses into me, making the kisses more passionate than ever before.

A clap of thunder breaks through the sky and the electricity snaps as rain pours down onto us. Jack looks up, rain painting his face and catching on his eyelashes. He laughs – the most genuine laugh I've ever heard from him. And even in the darkness of night I see that fragment of gold come onto him. I'm reminded of the young boy I never knew. The one who still dreamed without hesitation.

He looks at me, his eyes sparkling as he continues to smile. "We should go back," He shouts over the pulsing rain.

I press my lips together and then smile, happy. Or, wanting to be happy. A part of me holds back because I know this isn't right, but the rest of me gives in, planting a kiss on his cheek and laughing with him.

"I don't want this to end, Jack." My voice isn't a yell and I hope he doesn't hear it over the rain. It would only complicate things even more.

But that golden light fills his eyes and I know he has heard me. And when he leans in kissing me the way that makes me weak, I know for certain he has and that he doesn't want it to end either.

He pulls away, his nose brushing against mine. "It doesn't have to end, Sweetness. It never has to end with us."

If only he knew that I'd already ended the possibility of us.


I don't pity the taxi driver who drives us home, but I do feel bad for him since Jack and I are already preoccupied with ourselves. We kiss each other the entire way home, tugging at clothes and wanting more, but restraining ourselves as we know that the cabbie wouldn't let us go that far.

But the moment the car pulls up to the House, Jack is pulling out a wad of cash and tossing it to him before jumping out the cab, me following close on his heels. We pause outside the doors of the House and stand in the rain, looking at each other with lust – and maybe something more – in our eyes as the rain pours over us. Our clothes cling to our bodies, unable to look rumpled due to their soaked state.

"We can't go into the House and do anything... We'll get caught," I say, my voice thick and scratchy.

Jack shakes his head, disagreeing. "I don't have a roommate."

A smile lights both our faces and Jack fumbles for the door as we start for his room. We sneak through the hallways, water dripping on the floor and leaving our trail stretched behind us. All of the rooms are dark, but I see a sliver of light escaping from beneath Jeremiah's office door. I can't help but wonder what he's doing up this late at night - or rather, early in the morning.

Jack leads me to his room and he pauses outside it, kissing me teasingly. His fingers wrap around the door handle and we fall into his room, dropping onto the black couch. Jack holds be by my hips, kissing me more passionately than I've ever been kissed by anyone.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know this isn't right. I have told him so many lies that it isn't fair what I'm doing to him.

"Jack," I say, pulling back slightly and trying to break for air.

He doesn't stop, he continues to kiss away at my neck, his eyes fluttering every once in a while. I run my hands through his hair, unable to stop myself, and pull away a little more.

"What is it, Sweetness?" His voice is thick and his eyes lock with mine, wide and hazy.

"I... I'm not sure we should..." I squirm beneath him as his eyes search mine, trying to read what I'm hinting at.

Jack ignores me, bringing his lips back to mine. His arms wrap around me, pulling me against his chest which is warm, even through the fabric of his shirt. Jack kisses me once, hard on my lips and pulls away before tugging the long-sleeved shirt off over his head. My eyes widen as I stare at Jack's chest. Even in the dark of his room I can see how beautiful he really is. He is defined and muscular in all the right places, perfect; golden like the little boy he used to be.

I close my eyes, leaning back and away from Jack. How do I tell him I can't do this without the truth coming out?

I open my eyes and look at him for a long moment and he looks back, smiling. "Macey, I –"

I don't get to hear what Jacks is about to say because suddenly, his bedroom door is opening and the figure of Jeremiah Creal is standing in the doorway.

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