Crashing Down

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For the entire day I watch Jack and I recognize a change in him. I'm not sure if the change is actually in me or if it's in him, but I notice a side of Jack unlike any other I've seen before. As he rolls a mail cart around the office during the afternoon, I watch him chat with the employees; making sure they're alright and that they have all they need. Then, when I'm supposed to be answering the phone, I watch him on an office call with a disgruntled ex-employee, trying to calm and appease the person. Jack stays patient the entire time, his facial features never changing from relaxed and pleasant.

Who is he? And why am I attracted to him more than ever before?

When the time comes to leave Creal Publishing for the day, we climb into a taxi and begin our journey home. I'm not sure if it's because I feel that attraction more prominent in me than before, or if it's the challenge of Mia, or even if it's the contract with Jeremiah, but in a moment of pure bravery, I ask Jack if he wants to go on a date with me.

"What?" He asks, a smirk riddling across his lips.

I cough nervously, repeating myself in a mumble. "A date. Do you want to go on a date this Friday?"

Jack smirks fully, unabashedly. "Shouldn't I ask you, seeing as how I'm the guy?"

I scoff, hitting him on the arm. "Don't be a sexist pig. I can ask you if I want to. Now, yes or no?"

Jack hums amusedly. "Well, let's see... I think I might be busy. I have to stay home, you see, because I skipped work for some girl."

My eyes widen as I remember we're on probation from going into the City this weekend. I become a little flustered, stuttering as I try to cover my lapse. "Oh, well, uh, right."

Jack smiles, turning to look out the window of the taxi. I notice the sky is a dark gray and raindrops are drizzling down in a lazy manner. Fitting for the mood I've casted over myself. Rejection is a bitch - no matter how big or small it is.

I'm surprised when I feel warmth from Jack's hand as it envelopes my own which is resting in my lap. I look up to see him sitting right next to me, his eyes energized. "Sweetness?"

"Hm?" I murmur as I look at his perfectly kissable lips. I force myself to avert my eyes to look into his, but I know he saw me looking at his lips.
"Will you go on a date with me?" He asks with a small smirk.

"Jack," I roll my eyes, "don't make fun of me. I was being serious."

He smiles, brushing away a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of my braid. "I'm not making fun of you. I'm asking you out."

"You said it yourself: we can't leave the House this weekend." I shrug, trying not to show any of my disappointment.

He inches closer, if possible. "But we can have a date in the House, yeah?"

I smile, unable to keep the feelings I'm experiencing at bay any longer. "I guess... What do you have in mind?"

He smirks yet again. "How about you just wait and see. It'll be a surprise, m'kay?"

I scrunch my nose in mock irritation. "Not fair, Jack."

"Life isn't fair, sweetness." He wraps an arm around me and I melt into him, resting my head against his chest.

The rain fell outside and with it I came crashing down, falling hard for Jack Creal.


The few days before Friday night passed and then it was the weekend. When all of the interns returned to the Home Friday afternoon, they immediately prepared for a night of clubbing in the City. I watched as Lola got ready, buzzing for the night to come.

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