I: Starting Strong

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Senior year - for most its the best year of high school. Top of the school, everyone knows not to mess with the seniors and it's even worse in a small town. When I was Freshman I was terrified of the seniors but now that I was one it felt amazing. The school year was still young though, so I had a ways to go before I officially stepped into adulthood. I was perfectly fine with it to be honest, I wasn't ready to be an adult yet.

But I'm the type of person who likes to take things day by day, the only thing I planned ahead for was college but even that wasn't as laid out as it should have been. I had committed to a university in the city about an hour away - full ride, all expenses paid for. A simple life was what I had, the same thing most days - eat, sleep, soccer, repeat. My parents didn't have a lot of money and that made it hard with three kids. Which was why I had worked my ass off every day for years so that I could get my own college taken care of.

Alas, simplicity can't last forever...

"Logan! Have you seen my purse?"

"No, Mom," I groaned before pulling my covers over my head to block out the light spilling in from the hallway.

"Darn it, did Phoebe get ahold of it?"

"Why would she want your purse?"

I was trying to ignore her, hoping I could get another hour of sleep before I had to get up for my morning run. Obviously it wasn't working.

"She gets into it to play with my phone," my mom said, now standing in my doorway.

With a sigh I got up, realizing that I wasn't going to go back to sleep when I heard my baby sister come rambling down the hall.

"Momma, momma!"

"There's my little girl, have you seen mommy's purse?"

"Yep, its in my room," the four year old answered sweetly.

I had to stifle a laugh at her response as I brushed past my mom into the bathroom. The two trekked off down the hallway to the room Phoebe and Marissa shared to collect Mom's purse.

"Logan do you mind running Phoebe to the babysitters on your way to school? Your father has to go into work early this morning," my always-in-a-rush mother said through the door.

"Yeah, Mom I'll take her," I said around my toothbrush.

"Thanks, honey! We'll be at your game tonight by the way, it's at home right?"


I opened the bathroom door now to see my mother digging through her purse, for what I wasn't sure.

"Let me guess, can't find the keys," I asked with a chuckle after spitting out the tooth paste.

My mom's face went a little red before she started laughing, "You know me, always losing things."

I reached into the pocket of her scrubs and pulled the keys out, my eyebrow raised with a smirk resting on my lips.

"Shush Logan, don't even say it."

She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek before rushing off to her job. I stood for a quick moment getting lost in my thoughts when Phoebe yelling at Marissa ripped me out of them.

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