VIII: First Step Over the Line

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Staying focused in practice was a joke, a wasted attempt. I just kept asking myself why in the hell I had agreed to going over to her place and then my mind would wander. I mean I wasn't oblivious, a blind monkey could see the sexual tension between the surgeon and I. When I had left the hospital for practice I had immediately texted Tracy in a panic; my friend had agreed to meet me as soon as practice was over so here I was waiting for her while the other players headed home. When she finally got there I climbed into the passenger seat as she put the car in park.

"Geez, Logan are you okay," Tracy asked, concern washing over her features.

"I'm just... confused," I muttered.

"So what's the latest with the doc? I mean I'm assuming that's what this about..."

"She invited me over tonight... and we almost kissed in her office, but we got... interrupted."

For once Tracy seemed to actually be taking this situation seriously as she sat in silence, clearly deep in thought.

"Well! I think you already know what I'm gonna say - just go with it Logan. What could it hurt," Tracy said with a playful smile.

"I - I don't..."

"I know you don't wanna get hurt but my point is just have some fun, we're young!"

Tracy laughed and it was contagious - causing me to laugh lightly as well. I mean I could see her point, maybe it would be good to just... let loose and have fun for a night.

"Yeah... you're right. Thanks Tracy, I'm gonna run home and get showered before I go to her place."

"Don't have too much fun," the blonde said with a wink before driving off.

When I finally got to Dr. Masters' apartment it took me a minute of staring at the door trying to get the courage just to knock. My heart hammered in my chest just at the thought of seeing her and being close to her. Finally, I knocked, a gentle rapping sound, and seconds later the door opened. My breath caught in my throat and I know for a fact that my face went red. I was greeted with her ever present smirk, her body concealed by nothing but a spaghetti strap tank top and shorts.

"Are you going to stand there gawking or did you want to come in," the surgeon asked with a genuine laugh.

I just gulped, not wanting to satisfy her amusement with an answer, and carefully walked past her. I heard the door click shut behind me but the minute I had walked in I was hit with the most mouth watering smell ever.

"Have you eaten yet," she asked walking past me to where she had something simmering in a pot.

"Uh n-no. Didn't really have time I guess," I said walking over to the island counter and taking a seat on a stool.

"Well I hope you're hungry then."

"Yes please! It smells amazing!"

She glanced back at me over her shoulder with a smile before returning to the task at hand in silence. I just watched her for a moment, really taking her in. Her dark hair was back in a loose messy bun; that along with her choice of attire made her look... laid back in a way. It was actually a nice change from what I was used to seeing her wear.

"So how was practice," Dr. Masters asked out of nowhere as she took two plates down out of the cupboard.

"It was..."

I had to stop and think, I had really been so focused on coming here tonight that I had paid almost no attention at practice - basically I was running on autopilot.

"It was alright; pretty uneventful," I finally answered.

"Still sore?"

Our eyes met then for a moment, as if she had some deeper meaning behind the question, that smirk playing at the corner of her lips again. I just nodded, picking awkwardly at my fingernails.

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