IV: Pushing Boundaries

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Monday morning I just decided to ride to work with my mom, mostly because her and I needed to talk. Marissa had pretty much ignored the fact that anyone else existed over the weekend and it made me worry even more.

"Mom have you noticed anything weird with Mari lately," I asked, my question dripping with concern.

"She did seem a bit quiet yesterday," Mom said pulling her purse over her shoulder as we walked in the front doors of the hospital.

"I just wondered... she cussed me out at practice the other day."

My mom's hazel eyes connected with mine, the worry written all over her tired face. She chose not to speak, but I knew now that I had brought it to her attention she would keep a close eye on my younger sister. The minute the two of us walked into Dr. Masters' offices a huge pile of files and paperwork was thrust into my arms.

"Take these to Dr. Masters' office please. I have to be up on the fifteenth floor," the nurse said hurriedly before running down the hall.

I looked at my mom with a clear 'help me' expression. It was clear she was trying very hard not to laugh at me trying not to drop the pile that I could barely see over the top of.

"I've got to start charting, Logan. Be careful not to drop those; her office is straight down this hallway. Take the right there at the end and it's the only door at the end of the hallway," Mom said patting me on the shoulder as I nodded.

It felt like it took ages for me to get down the hall to her office. If anyone had been watching me I guarantee they would have laughed their asses off. I had been so focused on not losing my grip on the files that I had held my breath almost the whole way. How I was able to get the door open without dropping anything is beyond me. I just sort of awkwardly stood in the middle of the office taking in the elegance of the surgeon's work area. It honestly felt like it should have been an extension of her apartment, the style was so similar. I caught sight of a picture on the wall of Dr. Masters shaking hands with a man she bore a bit of resemblance to.

"What the hell are you doing?"

It was a domino effect: I jumped, the folders wobbled slightly before tipping and going all over the floor.


"You're just a natural born clutz aren't you," Dr. Masters said folding her arms and smirking at me from the doorway.

"Well if you hadn't scared me" I snapped, my cheeks a bit flushed from embarrassment as I knelt down to pick up the folders.

"Can't say I mind the view," I heard the surgeon mutter with a chuckle.

Her comment made me stand straight up and look at her with wide eyes before I recovered and glared. I could feel my cheeks growing all the more flushed as I tried to look tough. The surgeon paid my look no mind as she took a seat at her desk and started typing away on the keyboard.

"Finish picking those up, and make sure nothing got knocked out of place. It would be a nightmare if the wrong information was in a file," she said, glancing at me with an unreadable look.

"Yes your highness," I grumbled, not intending for her to hear.

"Oh someone's got an attitude this morning."

I just glared at her again as I finished what she asked me to. Lila Masters was starting to get on my last nerve that morning.

"What, are you grouchy because I didn't fuck you the other day?"

"Excuse me?!"

I stared at her now as if she had grown a second head, nearly dropping her blasted files all over again. If my face hadn't been red before it sure as hell was now. She was watching me carefully, a seductive smile plastered on her face.

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